Trapped in Cambodia: Two men died of a serious illness, some people are still looking forward to "fallen leaves return to their roots"

2021/10/1302:47:12 international 416

author|Chen Long


"Far away, I want to help you, but I can't do anything about the sky. You are my pain." Shandong man Li Changshui worked at a construction site in Cambodia and was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer. His life is dying. The eldest brother Li Changhai, who lives in his hometown in Shandong, expressed the above emotion.

Trapped in Cambodia: Two men died of a serious illness, some people are still looking forward to

Li Changshui’s eldest brother Li Changhai felt weak and said, "You are my pain."

Affected by the epidemic, many Chinese who are terminally ill like Li Changshui are trapped in a foreign country. The medical conditions in Cambodia are poor, and the severe illness that could be treated has become a "life killer" in Cambodia. Their illness continues to worsen, and before they die, they look forward to seeing their parents and hometown.

"These critically ill patients are short of money and ischemia, and they are called every day. They call the ground bad, and they can only watch their lives wither." The China-Cambodia Chamber of Commerce and Guangdong Charity Fund, which participated in many Chinese rescue and fundraising operations Secretary General Chen An said.

Trapped in Cambodia: Two men died of a serious illness, some people are still looking forward to

Chen An, secretary general of the Guangdong Fellowship Charity Foundation, said that he could only watch the lives of his compatriots wither

but they failed to do so. On September 28, Li Changshui passed away in Phnom Penh. Two days later, Tan Zhengyuan, a garment worker in Guangdong who had only returned to China once in seven years, also died of uremia. He had three children. His wife had already bought him a ticket for October 6.

So far, many people are seriously ill and trapped in Cambodia due to the epidemic.

Passed away 7 days before flight departure

In the last video call, Tan Zhengyuan had no energy to speak. It was September 21st, and his esophagus hadn't been cut yet. His wife Zhou Xiuqing advised him: "You have to eat and eat to be nourished and strong. At that time (before boarding the plane), you must be isolated and you must stick to it."

Trapped in Cambodia: Two men died of a serious illness, some people are still looking forward to

Tan Zhengyuan, who is dying, is already unable to make a video call with his wife

Anyway,This is the last chance. Everything will be better if you leave Cambodia.

On July 22, Tan Zhengyuan had stomach pain and hematuria. He went to the hospital to find out that kidney stones caused a large amount of fluid in the chest and abdomen, hydronephrosis and other complications. On August 4, Tan Zhengyuan's condition deteriorated, he fell into a coma, and his heartbeat came to a standstill. Zhou Xiuqing asked for help everywhere and contacted the Guangdong Fellowship Charity Foundation of Cambodia, before he transferred Tan Zhengyuan to a large hospital and stabilized his condition.

In 2020, the Cambodian epidemic has not been fundamentally controlled. This year, the invasion of India's delta virus caused the epidemic situation in Cambodia to become more serious.

In June, Tan Zhengyuan began to have urgency and pain. At the same time, a new round of epidemic outbreak in Cambodia, "one area, one area blockade". Tan Zhengyuan went to a small clinic to see a doctor and buy medicines, but his condition went back and forth, and he had hematuria in late July.

Zhou Xiuqing was very nervous when she found out, and Zhang Luo asked her husband to return to China. Tan Zhengyuan said it didn't matter, "It's just urethral calculus . Just go to the hospital to get rid of the calculus."

Since then, Tan Zhengyuan's treatment has continued to twist. At the Hong En Hospital in Phnom Penh, Tan Zhengyuan was diagnosed with uremia. Due to hospital conditions, he was transferred twice.

These Chinese hospitals take great care of Tan Zhengyuan. On August 4, Tan Zhengyuan's life was dying. Zhou Xiuqing contacted Chen An, secretary general of the China-Cambodia Chamber of Commerce and the Cambodia Guangdong Fellowship Charity Foundation. Dean Zhu of Phnom Penh First Hospital and Dean Tang of General Hospital made a joint consultation.

"After reading the medical report, the two deans agreed that the situation is very critical, and the normal creatinine value is around 50. If the creatinine value exceeds 60, dialysis is required, and the patient's creatinine value has reached more than 1,200 at any time. Life-threatening, he can only go to other hospitals for emergency hemodialysis immediately.”

However, all Chinese-funded hospitals in Phnom Penh do not have dialysis conditions, and hospitals with good conditions have been requisitioned as hospitals for the epidemic. On the evening of August 5th, Liu Yang, the president of the China-Cambodia Chamber of Commerce, and Chen An, the secretary-general of the China-Cambodia Chamber of Commerce, found the personnel who met Cambodian, and used a motorcycle to send Tan Zhengyuan to Wang Jiajun General Hospital and Cho Ray Phnom Penh Hospital (Cho Ray Phnom Penh Hospital). ).After one night hemodialysis , Tan Zhengyuan was rescued.

At this time, it was the best time for Tan Zhengyuan to return to China for treatment. At the end of August, after several dialysis, Tan Zhengyuan's condition improved. The doctor said that he could take an airplane. On September 20, Zhou Xiuqing found a compatriot through the ticket agent, and the other party gave up a return ticket for October 6. The ticket price is 42,500 yuan.

Trapped in Cambodia: Two men died of a serious illness, some people are still looking forward to

Tan Zhengyuan's condition improved for a while, but he did not buy the return ticket at the right time.

At this time, Zhou Xiuqing has returned from Vietnam and is quarantined in a hotel, preparing for the hospitalization and care of her husband.

However, within a few days, news came from Phnom Penh that Tan Zhengyuan's condition deteriorated again. The doctor told her, "It's no longer good, and there is no cure." Zhou Xiuqing cried loudly when she heard the news. "Now I have to hand over my life to Cambodia."

On the morning of September 30, Tan Zhengyuan died in the hospital.

Trapped in Cambodia: Two men died of a serious illness, some people are still looking forward to

Tan Zhengyuan died in a hospital in Phnom Penh on September 30

On October 6, Cambodian Airlines flight KR961 flew from Phnom Penh to Chengdu, but he failed to bring Tan Zhengyuan back.

Trapped in Cambodia: Two men died of a serious illness, some people are still looking forward to

On October 6, Cambodian Airlines flight KR961, Phnom Penh flew to Chengdu, but failed to bring back Tan Zhengyuan

To earn money for the children to study, he only returned to China once in 7 years

Tan Zhengyuan is a Cantonese, Zhou Xiuqing They are from Guangxi. Both divorced and formed a new family after meeting in Cambodia.

For more than 20 years, they have been working as washing technicians in garment factories in Guangdong. In 2014, the garment production capacity of Guangzhou Zengcheng, Foshan, Zhongshan and other places gradually shifted to Southeast Asia. The masters brought apprentices and workers to introduce workers, and they also moved over. After being introduced by a friend, Zhou Xiuqing also arrived in Phnom Penh.

It was here that Tan Zhengyuan and Zhou Xiuqing met. Tan Zhengyuan is a native of Longmen County, Huizhou. He brought two sons after marriage, and Zhou Xiuqing is a native of Tiandong County in Baise with a daughter. The children all go to school in the country. The two got along for a long time and decided to form a new family.

Trapped in Cambodia: Two men died of a serious illness, some people are still looking forward to

Tan Zhengyuan and his wife met while working in Cambodia,Form a new family.

For the tuition fees of the three children and the living expenses of the elderly, they have never dared to return home easily. In January 2018, the factory owner granted Tan Zhengyuan a 10-day holiday. He returned to his hometown in Guangdong and issued a marriage certificate with Zhou Xiuqing. Unexpectedly, this became his only return home in 7 years.

The three children in the family went to middle school one after another and entered puberty. In 2018, teachers often complained that the younger son was "rebellious", disobedient, and didn't like to learn. The two discussed and decided to let Zhou Xiuqing come back for discipline.

Affected by the epidemic in 2020, Zhou Xiuqing was unable to return to Cambodia. However, Tan Zhengyuan's salary alone could not support the family's expenses, so Zhou Xiuqing went to Vietnam and still worked as a washing machine. In October, Tan Zhengyuan's mother died of liver cancer, and neither of them returned to China. "Just to save money and read to children."

In August this year, when Tan Zhengyuan was in a critical condition, Zhou Xiuqing used to easily raise and borrow money from relatives and friends, while trying to get her husband back to China.

easily raised only over 40,000 yuan. But on the husband’s side, the daily hospitalization fee is more than 90 US dollars, the nursing fee is 35 US dollars, and the loss of 3 bottles of albumin is 40 US dollars. In addition to other inspection fees and medical expenses, it costs 2,000 yuan a day. Zhou Xiuqing paid 10,000 yuan or 20,000 yuan each time, and commissioned the boss of her husband's factory to run errands and pay the bills.

On August 23, Zhou Xiuqing flew back to China from Vietnam and planned to go to Guangdong to wait for and take care of her husband after the end of quarantine in his hometown in Guangxi at the end of September. After buying the ticket on October 6, she called and sent letters of help to the Cambodian Embassy in China many times. The embassy replied, “You can stay in the hospital for observation in the first 10 days, but you must be quarantined at the hotel for the last 4 days before boarding.”

Trapped in Cambodia: Two men died of a serious illness, some people are still looking forward to

According to the original plan, Tan Zhengyuan should be quarantined from October 3rd to 6th. Then she returned to China by plane

She called the Health and Health Commission of Longmen County, Huizhou, Guangdong, and the Health Commission replied that a green channel can be opened up, and she can be admitted directly to the hospital for treatment after entry. "Special cases are dealt with specially, it is impossible not to give treatment," Zhou Xiuqing said, "our domestic (policy) is better."

Everything is ready. Zhou Xiuqing is most worried about whether her husband can survive the short isolation period.

On September 28, Zhou Xiuqing's isolation period expired and she went to the hospital for a nucleic acid test. This was when she planned to go to Huizhou to take care of her husband. But Tan Zhengyuan was dying and could not get on the plane.

Previously, Zhou Xiuqing felt that no matter whether the husband can be cured or not, he can at least return to China to see the old father and children. It's all gone.

Tan Zhengyuan's family also has his 80-year-old father. "I borrowed more than 100,000 foreign debts for him to see a doctor. There are three children, two seniors, and one junior high school. They cost more than 1,000 meals per month." Zhou Xiuqing cried and said, "I don't know what to do. I am alone. I can’t support this family.”

“You are the pain of my intestines”

Before Tan Zhengyuan, Li Changshui, a native of Tai’an, Shandong, died in a hospital in Sihanoukville, Cambodia ( 西港). NS.

In July of this year, Li Changshui, who worked on a construction site in Xigang, was diagnosed with liver cancer. Living in a foreign country, Li Changshui was unaccompanied, but fortunately he was helped by the Chinese community.

In August, after everyone's efforts, Li Changshui transferred from Westport to the hospital in Phnom Penh for treatment. "He thought, going to Phnom Penh is closer to the airport, and when the condition stabilizes, he can board the plane back to China."

The three Li Changshui brothers died in a car accident in 2015, and their nephew remarried with their mother. Big brother Li Changhai cleans the market every day, earning more than 100 yuan a day. This situation made the family unable to send money to Li Changshui to save his life. "My father is 78 years old. He was hospitalized for cerebral infarction twice this year. I didn't have much savings. I ran out of them for both of them." On the morning of August 16, he felt that his brother might not have any hope of being saved, so he told his father.

Li Changshui’s difficulties have been reported by many Chinese chambers of commerce in Cambodia and Chinese media. Chinese in Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh have launched fundraising twice and raised tens of thousands of yuan.After being hospitalized in Phnom Penh for a month, the hospital "treated him at cost and gave him the greatest medical fee reduction." Nevertheless, Li Changshui still owes thousands of dollars in fees.

On September 10, Tang Li, the Chinese Dean of the First General Hospital of Phnom Penh, issued the "Notice of Critical Illness" and was diagnosed as "advanced primary liver cancer". However, Li Changshui still had a simple wish, "I hope to return to his hometown in Shandong, take another look at his parents, and take another look at the mountains and waters of his hometown..."

However, in the early morning of September 28, before Tan Zhengyuan passed away In the past two days, Li Changshui passed away in the hospital.

Li Changhai didn't want to mention his brother's past because of the hardship. Chen An revealed that before coming to work in Cambodia, Li Changshui had already "disappeared." Li Changhai said that when his younger brother went to work in Cambodia, he basically did not contact his family. “He was afraid that we would miss him and report the good and the bad. I don’t know his situation there.” He didn’t contact his eldest brother until he was sick and hospitalized. After Li Changhai paid him several times, he was powerless.

On August 31, Li Changhai wrote in Moments, "You have experienced too many ups and downs since you were young, and (later) drifted away. Although you are not very obedient, you are born from the same root. Now far away, I want to help you. Everything, but the sky is so far away I can do nothing. You are my pain!" The picture is a man with delicate eyes, with a drop of tears hanging down.

After Tan Zhengyuan and Li Changshui died, Chen Baorong, the captain of the China-Cambodia Volunteer Team, and A Zheng, a member of the China-Cambodia Volunteer Team, helped with the funeral. Tan Zhengyuan and Li Changshui are already lucky. "The compatriots and doctors here have done their best." As a Chinese who participated in the rescue of Tan Zhengyuan said, "The number of people who can get help is very few, and there are still many people who are not."

Trapped in Cambodia: Two men died of a serious illness, some people are still looking forward to

Tan Zhengyuanyu Passed away on September 30, the hospital, the local charity foundation, and the volunteer team began to take care of his funeral

His son was in critical condition and his mother lost money to sell pigs to raise money

from Xiangshuihezi Township, Xinbin County, Fushun, Liaoning Wang Yuanfen doesn't know how to use WeChat, and only asks his 12-year-old granddaughter to help him send videos and pictures.

When the Cambodian nurse started to send videos and photos, she was surprised: her son's appearance was deformed, his eyelids were bulging, and his head was swollen. This is no longer the handsome Northeast man in the passport."I can't recognize my son anymore." The blisters and large patch of wounds on her legs made her feel distressed.

Trapped in Cambodia: Two men died of a serious illness, some people are still looking forward to

The sick Jiang Feng and the image on his passport are nothing like two people.

41-year-old Jiang Feng has difficulty breathing, cannot lie down, and has swelling all over his body for more than a month. He toured three hospitals in Phnom Penh. At the end of September, Dean Tang Li sent a paragraph to Wang Yuanfen:

"After investigation, it was diagnosed as chronic renal failure... After rescue treatment, the heart failure and respiratory failure have improved, the infection has been controlled, and the blood pressure has stabilized. But chronic kidney disease The decay and the resulting anemia and hypoproteinemia have not improved, and have progressed towards worsening.”

Trapped in Cambodia: Two men died of a serious illness, some people are still looking forward to

Two days ago, the doctor reported that Jiang Feng’s lung inflammation was severe and there were signs of chronic heart failure

Doctor He also told Wang Yuanfen that Jiang Feng’s anemia was getting worse and worse, and his kidney function was getting worse. “Severe low protein blood requires comprehensive treatment such as blood transfusion, kidney dialysis, and intermittent albumin infusion to alleviate the condition.”

Wang Yuanfen remembered that it was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month of this year. Jiang Feng borrowed thousands of dollars from her and went to Cambodia with a friend. "He said that he would pay me back if he earned money next month. Who knew he would be sick before next month?

At the beginning, Jiang Feng was just dizzy and went to the hospital twice, only saying that it was "hypoglycemia, it's okay." In May, Jiang Feng was in a coma and was hospitalized for the first time. Wang Yuanfen said that the medical technology over there is not as good as that in China, and he urged his son to come back. Jiang Feng refused, "He said that he finally came, and the ticket money was spent. He will come back when he earns the money for the ticket."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Feng's condition deteriorated again. After that, with the help of the China-Cambodia Chamber of Commerce, Jiang Feng was admitted to the No. 1 General Hospital of Phnom Penh, where he got better after rescue. Through the video, Wang Yuanfen felt that the swelling on his son's face had disappeared.

Jiang Feng was born in 1980. After he got married and had children, Wang Yuanfen found that his son had become thinner. He had diabetes and couldn't do heavy work. When her daughter was two and a half years old, Jiang Feng's wife handed the child who could not walk into her grandmother's arms, saying "go out to work and make ends meet", left home and went to Italy, and never came back. Two years later, she sued through a lawyer and divorced Jiang Feng.

In the following years, Jiang Feng often did odd jobs, and could not make a lot of money, and it was unlikely that he would remarry with his children. "He wondered if he went out to earn some money, so his wife could come back." Therefore, he followed his friends outside to work in the Philippines and Cambodia. Who knows, it's hard to return.

Jiang Feng continues to be hospitalized, and his family is increasingly unable to afford it. The old couple Wang Yuanfen planted a few acres of land and raised 4 sows. “Pork is in short supply in the first two years. Last year, the rich and powerful invested in. Too many pigs are worthless.” She learned from Kuaishou that this is called “overcapacity of live pigs”.

In order to see a doctor for her son, she sold a few large sows at a price of more than 2 yuan per catty. "The big family can afford it, but our small family can't afford it," said Wang Yuanfen. The bigger the pig, the more you lose. The old sow can sell at most 1,000. "If last year, I could afford it, I would lose money by staring at it now. It's hard to feel it, it's already a year..."

Jiang Feng's younger brother has two children and he has a heavy burden. In July, my younger brother inquired about a flight on July 25 in Kuaishou and bought a ticket for 38,000 yuan. Unexpectedly, Jiang Feng was unqualified and could not get on the plane. "The money was only refunded 26,000." This opportunity was lost.

Wang Yuanfen asked relatives and friends to borrow money, "I went to someone to tell me, let me use it first, and save my son's life. The owner borrowed from the West to get together." Now, the family owes 200,000 foreign debts.

Chen Baorong, the captain of the China-Cambodia Volunteer Team, helped them raise money in Cambodia. Dean Tang Li saw that his family was poor and saved money everywhere for them. He also hired a caregiver for Jiang Feng. "This (caregiver) doesn't need money, but I buy food for my son every day and bring him a portion."

Jiang Feng's In case of illness, albumin can only be taken continuously, and kidney dialysis and dialysis are required from time to time to maintain life. On October 9, Tang Li gave feedback that Jiang Feng " creatinine (5.8), urea nitrogen (186) increased rapidly", CT showed that the two pneumonias were severe, "Considering chronic total heart failure, it has been interrupted Give me a strong heart."

Every time a medical order is sent over there, Wang Yuanfen can only call it 100 yuan or 200 yuan. "I'm afraid that my son will be hungry, and he will continue to eat for that illness." Jiang Feng refused to let his mother take the initiative to make a video call, but every time he made a video,After the son said "it's fine now, don't worry about it", he called "Mom, hungry".

Wang Yuanfen hopes that his son can return to China soon. "Going back to state-owned medical insurance and cooperative medical care can help me. Now I really have no choice but to ask everyone to help and save my child."

(Note: In the China Cambodia Chamber of Commerce, Cambodia Guangdong Fellowship Charity Fund Under the guidance and help of the China-Cambodia Volunteer Team, the ashes of Tan Zhengyuan and Li Changshui are being transported back to China through foreign affairs procedures.)


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