4 types are especially suitable for novices to keep pet geckos and lizards

1. Leopard style: Leopard Gecko

Leopard Gecko is native to India and Pakistan. It inhabits the desert or steppe. It is usually sheltered by cracks or holes in large rocks. When dry, these areas What does not bake is like a desert. Today, most of the leopard geckos can be seen in pet shops, but they are artificially bred instead of wild. There are many colors and strains, and the breeders are still working hard to breed.

[Easy to raise index]★★★★★

[Pull wind index]★★★★

[Recommendation index]★★★★☆

[Appearance characteristics]

Leopard Gecko is a very beautiful reptile. The full length of an adult (including the tail) is about 20cm, and the maximum length is 25cm. The body will have purple-brown and bright yellow stripes (banded). When it grows up, the dark stripes will begin to break up into small dots. A few adults will leave a little striped pattern. The leopard prints that are being reared today have two basic colors "Brown" and "bright yellow".

The brown changes, some have gray-brown as the background color, some have purple as the background color, and the spots cover it, the bright yellow changes are bright yellow as the background, and a few will have some orange spots.

【Life habits】

Leopard gecko can eat most insects. Wild gecko is known to eat beetles, centipedes, scorpions and spiders. It has strong adaptability and can almost eat things. Eat all.

The tail of the leopard gecko has the same defensive effect as other lizards. If pressure is applied, the tail is easily broken, and after the tail is broken, it will continue to wriggle. This is called self-cutting. Its function is to distract the predator and take the opportunity to escape. The self-cutting place is where the base of the tail is slightly contracted. Here after the tail is self-cut, the blood vessels will be automatically closed, and the tail will automatically re-grow after the self-cut.

But not as good-looking as the previous one. The regrown tail is wider, but the length is about half of the original. The color and texture are not uniform. Losing the tail will not hurt the gecko, unless there is no food for a period of time. , Because the gecko’s tail is used to store fat and provide an energy source when food is scarce. Some reptiles use the tail as a storage for fat. If food is scarce, the reptile will refuse to cut itself.

[Family Feeding]

Containers: tortoise boxes, acrylic boxes, storage boxes, large fresh-keeping boxes, and even shoe boxes! As long as the space is large enough, there is enough space for activities. If there are many holes, a good ventilation system is enough.

Food: I like to eat live food, so dubia, cherry cockroaches, barley bugs, shelled bread bugs, and crickets are all good choices.

Calcium supplementation: Put a calcium powder basin in the feeding box (but it is easy to get out of the gecko or regain moisture). You can also wrap the calcium powder on barley, dubia and other feeds at regular intervals. palace.

Cleaning: Clean up the excrement as soon as you find it! Water basins, food bowls, and feeding boxes are regularly disinfected.

Reproduction: Females can lay eggs 3-4 times per season, with two eggs each time. Because they are non-sticky eggs, they can be easily moved to the incubator for incubation. About 50-60 days It can be hatched. Unfertilized eggs will turn yellow and decay in about a week, while fertilized eggs will remain white and slightly enlarged. The most suitable incubation temperature is 28.9-30.6 degrees Celsius. The number of male and female larvae hatched is equal, and the temperature is higher. More males will be produced, and lower temperatures will produce most females. It is important that the temperature should not exceed 32 degrees, otherwise the embryos will die easily.

[Edit Comment]

Leopard Gecko is so popular in domestic and foreign reptile markets, not only because of its variety of genes, but also because of its strong adaptability and extremely simple breeding. Almost all leopard geckos are artificially reproduced individuals, and they have been very adapted to the artificial environment. They do not have too many requirements for the environment, bedding materials, caves, water basins, nothing more. And the feeding cost is low, only need to feed 2-3 times a week, in addition to the need to pay attention to calcium supplement, it is enough to raise the temperature in winter.

2. "Turnip" style: Frog Eye Shougong

Frog Eye Shougong is one of the three common domestic lizards (green iguana, Liwenlong, Frogeye Gecko). It is loved by people because of its simple breeding method and cute shape. It is best to have a "hut" in the breeding box for the frog eyes to hide. It is best to have "reptile sand" or a few sheets of paper on the bottom of the box. Food includes bread worms, grasshoppers, crickets and so on.

【Easy to raise index】★★★★☆

【Pull wind index】★★★★

【Recommendation index】★★★★☆

【Appearance characteristics】

has a total length of up to 17 cm. The limbs, body and tail are covered with large scales. In addition, there is another row of larger disc-shaped scales on the back of the tail. The body color is mainly light brown, mixed with black straight lines or intermittent band markings. Especially in the juvenile stage, most of them are mainly black belt-like rough lines.

The length of the frog eye gecko is 7-10cm, and the longest can reach more than 15cm. The limbs, body and tail are covered with large scales, which are resistant to drought. Lurk in the cave during the day and come out for activities and foraging at night. He is docile, not afraid of people, licks with his tongue when he is curious about things, and wags his tail when angry as a warning.

【Life Habits】

Nocturnal, inhabits desert or semi-desert areas, and usually hides in the 80 cm deep hole dug by itself during the day. Each fetus can lay 2 eggs, and 60mm larvae can be hatched after 75-95 days.

Female frog-eye geckos are more lively than males, and often dig deep burrows to inhabit. It is best to spread a thicker bottom sand when feeding. Their epidermis can directly absorb oxygen, so they are very fragile and easy to get injured. The whole piece falls off, so be careful when grabbing. There will be struggles between males, so it is not suitable for two or more males to co-culture. Summer lighting 16 hours, temperature 25-30 degrees; winter lighting 8-10 hours, temperature 15- 20 degrees. The rotation of this seasonal cycle has a decisive impact on the reproduction of the frog eye gecko.

【Family Feeding】

terrarium: a wider and short terrarium can be used because they are not I like climbing too much

Mat material: preferably 20-30cm thick dry gravel, but also can use soil, young sand (e.g. crawler sand, calcium sand), bark (e.g. bark, broken coconut shell

Temperature: 23—26°C

Food: Breadworms, grasshoppers, and crickets. These are all sold in the flower and bird market (if you have a sharp eye, you can catch cockroaches and feed them). Prepare a small water container For drinking, the water depth should not exceed its body.

Reproduction: 2 eggs each time, the larvae can be hatched after 75-95 days, the body length is about 6cm.

【Editor’s comment】

4da1a There are three subspecies in the genus#frogeye shougong: small frogeye gecko (T. s. keyserlingii) and T. s. Rustamowi. There are only two large and small frogeye geckos on the market. , And the big frog eye gecko is more popular because of its larger size and brighter body color, and the frog eye gecko has a lively character, and the novices in terms of environmental requirements can fully meet it, so the market acceptance is very high. .

III. Green Lantern style: Green Iguana

The green iguana is one of the more popular pet reptiles in the United States. The United States uses iguana farms in Central and South America every year. A large number of green iguanas are imported. Green iguanas can be found in almost every pet store in the United States.

【Easy to raise index】★★★☆

【Pull wind index】★★★★☆

[Recommendation Index]★★★★

[Appearance Features]

Green iguanas grow very fast before the age of 2-3. The growth rate will vary due to individual differences and the quality of food. It is different. If it is malnourished in its infancy, it will make the individual smaller in adulthood. When it grows to 3 years old, it will slow down the growth rate, and can even grow to 6 feet long (the tail is 2-3 times the body). Weighing 18 pounds, but under captivity, they are usually smaller than individuals grown in the wild.

【Life habits】0 4a7d#

Iguana is a day-traveling arboreal lizard. It is omnivorous. It can accept crickets, breadworms, eggs and other animal foods in its juvenile period. It will change to plant-based foods as adults. Fruit feeding. Green iguanas in the wild mainly eat various leaves, buds, flowers and fruits. In the morning, climb from the perch to the branches that are easy to get in the sun, sunbathe for several hours, warm up the body, and then search for food everywhere. A few hours later, they were full and continued to climb to the branches to bask in the sun, because they needed enough temperature to digest the food. After the sun goes down, climb back to the perch to sleep. During the whole day of activities, they will beware of iguanas that are bigger than themselves, and frighten them when they see iguanas that are smaller than themselves. For other large animals, they will think they are their own predators. During the estrus period, the male iguana will look for female iguanas to mate, and the female iguana will try to hide.

[Family Raising]

terrarium:  Usually most people use fish tanks as a terrarium for green iguanas.

Mat material: The principle of mat material selection is to facilitate cleaning and drying. Many people like to use newspapers to make cushions because they can be thrown away after use. In short, do not use wood chips, sand and other substances that green iguanas can easily swallow.

Temperature: 23—26°C

Food: tofu, purple cabbage (cabbage), turnip, mustard greens, celery, dandelion, green beans, green peppers, leeks, snow peas, grapes, radishes, pears

Reproduction: A litter can lay 30-50 eggs, which can hatch after 75-90 days.

[Editor's Comment]

I think many novice friends can't resist the temptation of the American Green Iguana. The docile character and the mighty and huge body can definitely attract your attention, and more importantly, Their price is approachable. Regardless of the huge size of the American green iguanas, they are absolutely vegans. They are only interested in vegetables. Is the cost of raising them very low? The American green iguanas require a lot of breeding space, so they should be left enough. Activity space, in addition, UVB lights are essential to help them absorb calcium.

IV. Smurf style: Blue tongue skink

Blue tongue skink can be roughly divided into the following types: Eastern blue tongue skink, Western blue tongue skink Blue tongue skink, northern blue tongue skink, central blue tongue skink, spotted blue tongue skink and Indonesian blue tongue skink.

[Easy to raise index]★★★★★

[Pull wind index]★★★★☆

[Recommended index]★★★★★

[Appearance characteristics]

Eastern blue tongue skink, the most common and common species. There are 7-8 diagonal stripes on the back, most of the eyes have black stripes behind the eyes, a few are relatively light, the front legs are relatively clean and there is no pattern, and the wild population is large, distributed in eastern and southeastern Australia. The other subspecies giant, King Eastern, can reach 50-60 cm in length.

Western Blue Tongue Skink, the body color is dark brown and covered with 4-6 wide stripes, and there are black stripes behind the eyes.

Northern Blue Tongue Skink, similar to Eastern Blue Tongue, with diagonal stripes on the back and no black stripes behind the eyes.

The blue tongue skink in the middle is gray and white with many orange fine lines covering it. There are black stripes behind the eyes. The head is triangular and the tail is short. The body is much fatter than other blue tongues. , They don't like to move.

Spotted blue tongue skink, with vertical spots on the body, and horizontal stripes on the tail. Distributed in southeastern Australia and Tasmania. Divided into two subspecies, common species (Blothed) and alpine species (Alpine blothed). The body color of the common species is darker, and the alpine species is more vivid.

Indonesian blue tongue skink, covered with black diagonal stripes, no dark spots behind the eyes, relatively large, black limbs are their obvious characteristics.

[Life habits]

Because the limbs are short, the blue tongue lizard is not good at climbing, so it needs a lot of ground space. A four-foot terrarium can grow a pair of adults.Fungus soil is more suitable for them to dig nests. The temperature is maintained at about 28 degrees Celsius during the day and 23 degrees Celsius at night. The heating lamp is necessary, and the temperature under the lamp is maintained at about 33 degrees Celsius. They can drink water. It is an omnivorous lizard, and it is omnivorous. It can accept live bait such as vegetables and fruits, crickets and breadworms. It has a large diet and needs regular calcium supplementation every week. Compared with ordinary lizards The difference is that blue tongue lizards can eat dead insects or small mice and do not need live bait.

[Family Feeding]

Rearing box: Try to choose a larger light box.

Food: omnivorous (plants and animals); flowers, vegetables, soft fruits (for example: banana, kiwi, strawberry, peach, plum, mango, tomato), slow-flowing invertebrates ( For example: snails, slugs), intermittently born white mice or large white mice.

Mat material: Cover with sawdust, hay or cat litter.

Temperature: 27-30 degrees

Breeding: Blue tongues are viviparous lizards. They will mate every spring and will give birth to a litter of small blue tongues in early autumn. Only an adult female blue tongue can give birth to 5 or 6 small children, and the number varies according to the species.

[Editor's Comment]

If you dislike the leopard gecko that is too small and not dazzling enough, blue tongue skink is a good choice. The Blue Tongue Skink is of moderate size, has a gentle personality, is close to people, and can be played in the hand. The finishing touch is the thick and big blue tongue, which can satisfy your vanity and make you the focus. The physique of blue tongue skink is very strong, and it is not resistant to food, cat food, dog food, lizard food, the most comforting thing is that they can not only accept live food, but also eat dead food, which is also One aspect of their feeding is simple.