There's a cool community on social media whose members are like online paleontologists, digging around the internet for photos of dinosaurs and other now-extinct creatures. He was captured in Panama in 2005 and died in captivity on September 26, 2016.

We can only guess what the future will look like. But what about the past? We have evidence that helps us picture it. Go visit it.

Brachiosaurus skeleton

There is a cool community on social media, and its members are like online paleontologists, digging around the Internet to find photos of dinosaurs and other now-extinct creatures.

Triceratops femur (left) vs. elephant femur

Usually they find pretty good photos: photos of actual uncovered bones or image projections built around them.

Comparison of the size of the long-extinct megalodon to humans

This community is like a time machine. It may not take us to visit long-lost days, but it does give us a glimpse of it, which is enough to satisfy our strong curiosity. .

This is not a dinosaur fossil, but a mummy

A 110 million-year-old Nodosaurus was washed into the sea by floods, sank, and was then pressed to the bottom of the sea. It's so well preserved that it still has intestines

Prehistoric 'hell ant' trapped in amber 99 million years old

18,000-year-old puppy 'Dogor' found in Siberian permafrost. He is so well preserved that his nose and beard are almost intact.

Fossil crinoids can be found in some rivers in Britain and were once thought to be fairy coins. Sometimes called "star stones"

These green alga are billions of years old and are the ancestors of all land plants on Earth

Indohyus - the earliest known whale ancestor

Imagine this mammoth had What a huge, Siberian woolly mammoth tusk. Mammoth tusks were found in Siberia and sold.

Last picture of a battle between a raptor and Protoceratops

wild Barbary lion saved in the sand. Photographed in 1924

Two dinosaurs 120-145 million years ago were discovered in Yixian, China.

This is very rare, because the chance of a two-headed animal is very small, and even the chance of becoming a fossil is even smaller.

Argentinosaurus The giant monster

Tyrannosaurus rex , reconstruction at the Field Museum in Chicago

About 26,000 years ago, this young lion was abandoned by its mother in a Siberian cave, and the female lion either went hunting or was killed and never returned.

Unable to feed itself, the cub, known as Spartan, starved to death and has been perfectly preserved ever since.

10 million years ago, sea turtles could eat you in one bite

A 23-million-year-old lizard found in fossils

Sue is the largest Tyrannosaurus rex ever discovered, with a body that is 90% complete

Sarcosuchus and Nile crocodile skulls Compare

A preserved foot of the giant moa , an extinct species native to New Zealand that could grow up to 12 feet tall.

Intact fossils of crinoid specimens dating back approximately 345 million years!

The dinosaur's tail, which is well preserved and still covered with feathers.

A rare fossil: a turtle's shell stuck in the jaw of an ancient elephant

The skull of the Cretan dwarf mammoth may be the origin of the ancient cyclops myth.

This is the world's last known living labs' limbed tree frog . He was captured in Panama in 2005 and died in captivity on September 26, 2016.

The largest flying animal ever!

Mosasaurs in Jurassic Park Compared to True Dragons

An Argentinian farmer recently discovered a 20,000-year-old glyptodont fossil

The skeleton of Archelon Ischyros