Today I will take you to take a look at the salamander, a creature with some kind of supernatural power. The hexagonal dinosaur salamander is a very special creature that always looks young and cute.

He is very difficult to kill and is almost immortal. Even if his heart is gone, it will grow back soon. do you know who he is? Today I will take you through an inventory of creatures that have some kind of supernatural power Salamander ,

Hexagonal Dinosaur Salamander is a very special creature, it always looks young and cute. It continues to grow in the larval stage, and then suddenly stops at a certain stage.

always has small black eyes, a smiling mouth and a strange nose, which is completely different from most animals. Axolotls often appear in aquariums and laboratories. It is almost difficult to find wild axolotls. They also have an almost terrifying zai sheng function.

You must know that many amphibians can zai sheng, but zai sheng like the axolotl Its ability is unmatched by other animals, and it can attack almost any part of the body, including the spinal cord, jaw and limbs. When a certain part is sheng, there is almost no difference between

and the previous one. When attacked by a predator, he will abandon some body parts to escape, and new parts will quickly grow back. Why is this? Because there is a kind of main cell called macrophage in the body of the axolotl,

this kind of cell is the zai sheng ability of the axolotl. What he is most proud of is his self-healing ability. After a salamander loses its limb, the broken limb will grow back and even grow repeatedly without affecting normal activities. This terrifying zai sheng ability cannot be achieved even with current technology,

because other animals, including humans, will leave behind wounds when they are injured. But the salamander is on the contrary. When its limbs are broken, the supporting cells in the body will surround the wound, and the yu he and zai sheng for the second time will be no different from before.

Isn’t it incredible? Let's imagine that if one day in the future we can apply this zaisheng ability to the human body, it will bring hope and happiness to many disabled people.