It’s not just human beings that are seriously involved! Even dog involution is very serious! Nowadays, the loyalty of dogs has been re-ranked, and the German Shepherd actually lost the first place. Now the first place is actually a local dark horse player! NO.6 Rottweiler is also

is more than just human involution serious! Even dog involution is very serious! Nowadays, the loyalty of dogs has been re-ranked. German Shepherd actually lost the first place. Now the first place is actually a local dark horse player!

NO.6 Rottweiler

Rottweiler is also very loyal. Its loyalty to its owner is unknown. When the owner is in danger, it will definitely be the first to appear in front of the owner to prevent the owner from being harmed. .

is very gentle in front of his master, and he even often acts coquettishly with his master. He is his most loyal little baby!

usually has a very calm personality and a strong defensive ability; when its owner encounters harm, it will activate the protection and attack modes, completely different from the other two dogs.

NO.5 Casro

Casro is also very loyal. It has strong principles and will only eat food fed by its owner and will not eat food fed by others because it recognizes its owner.

Castro's ability is very strong. It has a high ability to look after homes and homes. There is no need to worry about any dangers at home.

However, Castro is relatively aggressive, so when the owner raises it, it is best to train the socialization of Cane Corso from an early age to prevent Cane Corso from attacking others.

NO.4 Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinscher is a dog breed with a very excellent appearance, which gives people a very cold feeling.

But it is not a "vase", and its ability is also very strong. After training, the Doberman Pinscher can become a very excellent police dog and can complete various outstanding tasks.

Moreover, the Doberman Pinscher is very loyal to its owner. As long as you treat it well, it will follow you all its life and treat you as its boss.

NO.3 Akita Inu

Akita Inu is one of the most loyal dogs. Everyone knows it probably from "Hachiko"! The Akita dogs in the movie are very loyal and a little stubborn, always waiting for their owners to come home.

In reality, Akita dogs are actually very loyal and very docile to their owners. But it also has shortcomings. Its character is quite stubborn. As long as it is something it believes in, it will never change. Even ten cows can't pull it back.

sometimes goes crazy and even grown men can't control it. It is best for the owner to educate and socialize it from an early age to prevent it from developing a stubborn character. Feeding it small snacks during training will make it more obedient.

NO.2 The loyalty of the German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is unknown. It was once the most loyal dog and everyone’s dream dog.

The working ability of the German Shepherd is also very strong. After training, the German Shepherd can complete all kinds of work as a working dog.

And when the German Shepherd is performing a task, as long as the owner gives it an instruction, it will definitely complete it, regardless of its own life or death.

NO.1 Chinese Garden Dog

Chinese Garden Dog is our native dog breed, which is what we often call native dog. The Chinese Garden Dog is very loyal and very understanding. Now ranked first in loyalty, he is a dark horse player in loyalty.

Once the Chinese Garden Dog recognizes its owner, it will definitely treat you as its owner for a lifetime. Moreover, if a stranger feeds the Chinese Garden Dog, it will not eat it. It will only eat the food given by the owner.

Regarding the diet of the Chinese Garden Dog, although it has been accustomed to the simple meals in the countryside, human food is still very tasteful to the dog. Eating too much will also affect the health of the Chinese Garden Dog. It is best to give the Chinese Garden Dog Dogs are fed a light and healthy natural diet.

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