Although raising dogs is based on your own preferences, many dogs are banned from raising even though they are very handsome! Before raising the following dogs, you must check whether they are banned, otherwise someone will always be fined!

Although raising dogs is based on your own preferences, many dogs are prohibited from being raised even though they are very handsome! Before raising any of the following dogs, be sure to check whether they are banned, otherwise someone will be fined!

Dog breeds that are "banned" in most areas (excluding a few)

1 and Malinois

Malinois are medium and large dogs. Their jumping ability is very powerful and they also have a certain status in the military and police circles. There is no doubt about their working ability. .

However, Malinois are violent dogs . They have unstable personalities and are particularly prone to excitement. When excited, they can even bite their owners. It is quite dangerous to keep them around, so they are banned in most areas.

2, German Shepherd

German Shepherd is also the big brother in the military and police circles. They are handsome, have high IQs, and learn things very quickly. They are many people’s dream dogs.

However, only a few cities can raise German shepherds. This has caused misunderstandings to many people, thinking that they can raise them all. However, they will be punished after raising them! Be sure to check whether it is banned before raising it!

3, Chinese Garden Dog

Many people think it is ridiculous that Chinese Garden Dogs are banned, and think it is impossible, but it is indeed banned in many areas, such as Hangzhou, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Luoyang and other urban areas. Shenzhen even lists Chinese Garden Dogs as "violent dogs prohibited from breeding."

Although pastoral dogs are relatively loyal and obedient, they have a strong sense of protecting their owners and can easily hurt people. For the sake of public safety, they are banned.

The above three are banned dog breeds. Here are a few recommended ones suitable for domestic breeding:

1, Pug dog

Pug dog is our local dog. It is small in size and has a docile personality, even if it is small. It can also be kept in an apartment, so you don’t have to worry about being banned from keeping it. There is no reason to keep it.

Pug dogs are prone to obesity, so you should pay attention to their daily feeding. They do not exercise much. If they eat too much, they are prone to problems such as diabetes and pancreatitis. Owners should pay attention to this.

2, Schnauzer

Schnauzer is really a very cute dog. It is a handsome and cute kind. It is not big in size and is also very suitable for domestic dogs.

They are very smart and have good learning ability. It does not take too much effort to train. You can pair them with some snacks for better results.

3, Bichon Frize

Bichon Frize is as cute and soft as a marshmallow. I can’t help but rua when I see it. It’s so cute. They don’t shed, have little body odor, and are easy to care for.

Bichon has a problem, that is, the tear stains are relatively heavy. This is often because the owner did not wipe them clean in time. In addition, the diet is too salty. A light diet can help Bichon's tear stains. You can replace the staple food with something light and irritating. , you can refer to the following ones.

Conclusion: tell me what kind of dogs are prohibited in your city?