Hello fellow aquarists! If you have any questions about raising ornamental fish, you can directly search for fish farming experts and keywords on the entire Internet, so that we can easily raise water and happily raise fish. Every day I receive a lot of almost homogeneous questio

Hello fellow aquarists! If you have any questions about raising ornamental fish , you can directly search for fish farming experts and keywords on the entire Internet, so that we can easily raise water and happily raise fish.

receives a lot of almost homogeneous questions from aquarists every day, and most of them have been emphasized several times in my articles, including many examples of my ornamental fish getting sick in the video. What puzzles me about

is this. Why are the questions that were just asked the night before asked the most the next day?

Also, many aquarists who have been my friends for three or four years, even if they don’t ask me, just dive in the group and watch people chatting, such as some white spots and unfinished questions, they should have looked at it long ago, right?

It is almost rare to see large areas of dead fish.

To be honest, due to the current fish farming equipment and various filtering conditions, it is almost rare for aquarists to see large areas of dead fish in the entire tank. Unless they are You may not take the small tropical fish you raise seriously at all, just buy some small goldfish, small carps and just play with them.

Otherwise, for medium and large ornamental fish, whether they are tropical fish or cold water fish , the probability of all being killed in the entire tank is extremely low , and the proportion among many aquarists can only account for one percent About .

here refers to the sudden death of ornamental fish in a large area and in the entire tank.

Due to water temperature problems, diseases such as white spots and saprolegnia are caused.

Due to poor or improper water temperature, the water temperature is not constant for a long time, fluctuating high and low, resulting in ornamental fish suffering from white spots or saprolegnia diseases, The incidence rate is relatively high, but the mortality rate is not high.

After all, now we all know that these two diseases can be easily treated by raising the temperature, changing the water, and giving a little medicine. Unless it is in the middle and late stages, or the water quality is poor, or the physique of the ornamental fish is too poor, the entire tank may be wiped out.

Although the proportion of sick people is relatively high, the proportion of deaths is only about 2 percent.

Cross-infection or enteritis-like diseases, the proportion of dead fish is not high

Cross-infection and other fish diseases , most of them appear in small fish or cold water fish and some artificial fish, which are over-hybrid and over-medicated ornamental fish , this is also related to improper purchase of fish or frequent addition of new fish.

The second is enteritis-like diseases caused by improper feeding, which ultimately leads to the problem of dead fish.

The phenomenon of dead fish caused by these reasons is not many in the whole tank. Most of them are the death of a batch, half batch or a few fish, but it is not that the whole army is annihilated. This proportion accounts for about 5% about. The reason why

accounts for 5% has a lot to do with the physique of the new fish.

Rotting diseases caused by not keeping water are also easy to kill fish

In addition, the ornamental fish are not trapped in water and kept in water in advance, which causes the ornamental fish to be depressed, the body surface is seriously stimulated by the new water, and they lie in the tank for a long time, refuse to eat, and the body surface is caused by It begins to fester, rot, and eventually die from the inside out.

The disease rate is not very high, but once problems occur in , the mortality rate will be very high. Moreover, due to major problems with water quality, it is very likely that large areas of dead fish will occur, especially when the stocking density is still very high. big.

The proportion of dead fish may account for 5% or even higher , especially some goldfish or koi, as well as the butterfly carp that are now popularly raised, actually have very high requirements for water quality.

The rest, almost without exception, are all related to various diseases and dead fish caused by water quality problems

And many of the homogeneous problems raised by most aquarists, almost without exception, are related to the high stocking density and water quality of related.

I can say without any hesitation that, except for enteritis-related diseases, drift loss and other problems, which may be caused by feeding, some low-temperature fish diseases may be caused by water temperature problems, and other all ornamental fish diseases are all related to water quality. also includes rot disease.

Even if it is a surface problem caused by a fight injury, it is not considered a disease if the water quality is good, but as long as the density is high and the water quality is unstable, all problems become diseases.

includes water mold , rot, printing disease, powdery disease, gill rot, and even fish head holes. There are also many aquarists' reactions to red fins , red fish tails, and pox. , blindfolded eyes, there is one problem, as long as the water quality is adjusted well and the density is controlled, almost all of them can be cured on their own or given a little medicine.

Therefore, when raising ornamental fish, the most common problem and the largest proportion, which may cause fish death at any time, is the water quality problem, which accounts for at least 90%.

There are also some other minor problems, such as frequent use of chemicals, random dosing, tossing of filter materials, large amounts of water changes, etc. Most of them are related to water quality.

As for the death of ornamental fish due to their poor physical condition, that is due to improper selection of fish. Ornamental fish themselves are diseased. This is just like when we buy home a defective and damaged product, a dead fish should be taken for granted. should.

Here, I would like to remind all aquarists again that if your ornamental fish is sick, in addition to checking the feeding method, you should first check the water quality yourself.

All the questions have been mentioned in my articles. You can also search for fish farming experts and add keywords.

I am an experienced fish farmer, please stay tuned for more ornamental fish issues, thank you!