In most people’s minds, cats are not as smart as dogs. Because cats are only immersed in their own world every day, they don't hear anything happening outside the window, and they only focus on eating, sleeping and eating.

In most people’s minds, cats are not as smart as dogs. Because cats are only immersed in their own world every day, they don't hear anything happening outside the window, and they only focus on eating, sleeping and eating. But when we get along with cats for a long time, we will find that cats are not only not stupid, but also very clever. Some kittens can even be considered "bad". The editor of

has a shorthair , and another teddy comes to the house, and there is a cat-dog battle every day! As a result, the shorthair was bitten by Teddy, and the shorthair remained motionless, neither touching nor looking at. It looked very sad, and then started to walk with a limp. The editor got angry and sent Teddy away. After Teddy left, the shorthair continued to limp, but it seemed that the injured leg was on the wrong leg. Later, he found out and switched to another leg. It was obviously a fake! In this way, a palace battle scene came to an end with a short victory. Through its own cunning tactics, it sent away its most powerful opponent!

The editor below will give you a few examples to let you see the excellence of cats, which will definitely make your jaw drop!

1, Scholars Talk

When the editor was surfing on a certain platform, I saw a cat scavenger sharing a video of his cat. In the video, the poop scavenger called his grandma every day. Suddenly one day, he seemed to hear the cat also calling grandma. . At first, I thought I was hallucinating, but after repeated confirmation, I found that the sound was really made by a cat, and it was even very clear.

You must know that this kind of thing about cats learning to talk is not without credibility. Many cats will indeed have the ability to learn to talk after spending time with people day and night.

2. Watching TV

I don’t know if you guys have discovered it, but cats actually watch TV and are very interested in the content of the program. If there is "Cat and Mouse" on the TV, they can even watch it all day long without even blinking.

3. Although the attack is harsh, it is measured.

I believe that most cat owners have this experience. When you are petting a cat well, the cat owner suddenly bites your hand with his teeth. But even though cats look fierce, they are actually not trying very hard and just want to play with you.

Every time I am bitten by a cat, if I feel a little pain, I will pretend to bark. At this time, the cat will stop and look at me with incredible eyes, as if to say: "Did I bite you too hard?"

4. Pretend to listen. I don’t see

. Many cat owners have asked the editor, do cats really not know what their own names are? Why don't they react to names like dogs? In fact, cats can understand when you call them, because their ears will move when they hear the sound, but they just don’t want to talk to you. This is true for aloof cats.

5. Hiding things

If your cat always hides his favorite food and toys, it means that he is really smart and knows how to prepare for a rainy day, for fear that he will have no food to eat in the future. But don’t let your cat eat food that has been hidden for a long time, otherwise you will be the one paying for the treatment.

6. Treat others with food

I didn’t expect that cats can be snobbish sometimes. If you are nice to it, it will be nice to you in turn. But if you don’t treat it well, the cat may grin when you get close to it, showing you that it’s not easy to mess with. Cats also have different attitudes toward people. We can’t approach them rashly because we think we are right.

7. Cover up the crime scene

Cats and dogs are very different when it comes to making mistakes. Dogs will only wait to be beaten when they make mistakes, while cats will cover up the crime scene when they make mistakes. When the owner asks, they will also show a picture. The expression of not knowing what you are talking about is really irritating.

8. Pretend to be pitiful

When it comes to pretending to be pitiful, no one knows it better than cats. Whenever he makes a mistake and is caught by his owner, he will immediately put on a pitiful performance, trying to escape punishment and win the sympathy of his owner in this way. And cats can always accurately grasp the owner's weakness and know what you can do to get around it.

God-level scenes like this are really common. I have to say that the IQ of cats is really underestimated. Is the same for your cat? Welcome to leave a message and share in the comment area~