Dog breeds such as Teddy and Bichon Frize need hair pulling. The effect of hair pulling is that the hair will be fluffy after washing. Other dog breeds can just blow dry. Cats can also use the cat-pulling technique to make them fluffy and cute after washing. Be as prepared as pos

Teddy , Bichon Frize and other dog breeds need hair pulling. The effect of hair pulling is that the hair will be fluffy after washing. Other dog breeds can just blow dry. Cats can also use the cat-pulling technique to make them fluffy and cute after washing.

Try to prepare as much

1 as possible before washing. Follow the instructions on the bath solution, use a diluent bottle to dilute enough bath solution, and prepare towels and other supplies.

2. First use a comb to comb the cat and dog's hair until it is smooth. If there are serious knots, you can use a small electric clipper to shave them off.

3. If you are afraid of water getting into your ears, you can plug your ears with cotton balls first. In my experience, unless you really flush your ears with water, the chance of water getting in is very small. Some cats are particularly resistant to washing their hair, so you can ignore it and wipe it with a wet towel afterwards.

4. Adjust the water temperature. It should not be too hot or too cold. You can use the inside of your wrist to test the temperature. If it feels neither cool nor hot, it will be fine.

Start taking a bath:

1. Wet in order from tail to head. My order is tail, back, limbs, and finally head. After wetting them all, start applying bath liquid. The order is the same as for wetting. Apply bath liquid to them all and start rubbing them, just like washing your hair. Make sure everything is washed, start rinsing, and rinse out the bath liquid. Note here that the bath liquid must be rinsed out.

After washing, wipe it with a deerskin towel several times. The water on the cat or dog will not flow downward. Use another towel to wipe it with a few more times. Then start blow drying. There are two situations here. One is for cats and dogs that do not need to be pulled. Use a hair dryer or water blower to dry evenly. Do not blow the air in one place, otherwise you may burn the cat or dog. Blow on the back first, then the limbs, and finally the head. The wind force can slowly increase from small to strong.

For cats and dogs who want to pull their hair, hold a hair dryer between their heads, hold the hair with one hand, and hold a needle comb with the other hand. Pull the hair outward layer by layer, in order, from the back of the neck to the tail, limbs, and finally the head. department. If you have a hair-pulling tool, just comb the hair in this order. If you are washing your cat at home, it is recommended to buy a hair-pulling tool, which makes a very quiet sound.