Friends who have decided to get a dog are often confused about what to get as their first dog. In fact, before raising a dog, you must first consider clearly why you want to raise a dog, whether you like dogs, follow the trend, or why. If you choose to raise one, you must be resp

Friends who have decided to get a dog are confused about what to get as their first dog. In fact, before raising a dog, you must first consider clearly why you want to raise a dog, whether you like dogs, follow the trend, or why. If you choose to raise one, you must be responsible and never give up. I used to run a pet store that cooperated with pet hospital . I saw too many abandoned dogs. Some of them were simply abandoned because others said the dogs were impure. It is better not to raise this kind of people. As a higher animal, humans are like God to dogs, and you can deprive them of everything at any time, so you must be careful before raising them. Don't harm innocent lives because of your selfishness.

If you don’t like some of the nonsense I said earlier, just pretend you didn’t say it. What kind of dog to raise depends first on whether you want to raise a large dog or a small dog . Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you already have a favorite dog breed in mind and feel you can handle it, you can just keep it.

For those who want to raise large dogs, I first recommend golden retrievers . Golden retrievers are friendly to people and friendly and tolerant to children. He has a sunny personality, high IQ, and is easy to train. The price is not expensive either. Most families can accept it. He is also very lovable and is a very good companion dog. The second large dog I recommend is Smiling Angel Samoyed , with a cute smile and a perfect personality. It is very suitable for friends who are just starting to raise. If you feel that hair loss is serious in the first two types, you can choose Jugui. Jugui is a giant version of Teddy , with the body of a large dog and the heart of a small Teddy. However, one has to consider the economic situation when raising a Jugui. The so-called Jugui means that everything is expensive! Labrador and novices can also consider it. Their personalities are more lively than golden retrievers. As long as their owners train them well, they are very good dogs. The protagonists of many pet-themed movies are Labradors.

My first recommendation is Teddy as a small dog. It has the advantages of not shedding, smart, clingy, and suitable for the elderly. To sum up, Teddy is quirky. Bichon Frize is also possible, but you need to pay more attention to the white hair. The short legs of corgi can also be considered. Some people say that Corgis have a loud voice. In fact, there are so many Corgis coming to bathe in pet stores, and I feel that they all have good personalities. The types of dogs recommended by

are relatively popular. There are many people raising them, and they are all very easy to raise dogs, and they are friendly to novices.