Family members, among the three great sworn hatreds in life, the hatred of seizing your wife is one of them. As we all know, there can only be one lion king in a pride of lions, and the rest are all female lions, as well as the offspring of the lion king and the female lion...

Family members, among the three sworn hatreds in life, the hatred of taking away one’s wife is one of them.

However, this is also true in the animal kingdom.

I saw the story of a male lion, which was tragic and funny at the same time.

Everyone knows that there can only be one lion king in a pride of lions, and the rest are all female lions, as well as the offspring of the lion king and the female lion...

In a Korean zoo, there was a mean male lion who ate the heart of a bear. Leopard courage -

fell in love with the wives of other lion kings...

While other lions were busy licking their fur, basking in the sun, playing or in a daze, he was the only one who stared at the lion king's young couple like a pervert every day. !

It is waiting, waiting for an opportunity of its own.

Soon, the opportunity pays off, and the opportunity comes.

On this day, while the Lion King was away, he went over to tease someone else’s wife!

As the woman of the Lion King, the lioness would definitely not betray her lover, so she ignored her at all.

But the male lion refused to give up and kept chasing after it...

It was like a dog-skin plaster, it couldn't be peeled off if it stuck on!

The lioness was very agitated, but she couldn't get rid of her no matter how hard she ran.

Until I can't bear it anymore, I turn around and give it a big pussy!

"Get out of here, you are so shameless"

There is a saying: "Good luck never comes in pairs, and misfortune never comes alone."

At this time, the Lion King is back...

This one is really cool!

had just taken a hit and before he could recover, Lion King suddenly rushed up and sent him a set of chain punches .

The male lion retreated in succession. Having the upper hand, it hurriedly hid aside in dejection, and then watched eagerly as the young couple showed off their love for each other.

's aggrieved look fully explains "the poor lion must be hateful".

Do you think the story ends here?

On the second day, this male lion who was not afraid of death came again while the lion king was away!

The lioness is still running around, and the male lion is chasing her, putting on a drama of "it can't fly without its wings"...

The male lion is very confident, and it thinks that the lioness must ignore him because he doesn't understand him well enough. Own.

So, in order to show that it was "very powerful", it licked its ears and pulled out its fur to beg for pleasure...

As a result, it directly took the person away

and became bald. How dissatisfied it was with its desires!

Not only that, in order to show that his male charm is no worse than that of the lion king, he often finds fights with other male lions in front of the lioness...

"Look, look, I can still fight very well"

But it only takes one fight. Lose once...

"Fortunately, I ran fast, but I almost died"

Suddenly the Lion King came back.

"I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. I'll come back tomorrow."

After a long time, the administrator couldn't sit still. This kind of behavior that breaks up other people's marriages is unacceptable! In order to distract the male lion,

decided to feed it more delicious food. If it is full, it may not be so idle!

But, I am so full and warm that I feel lustful!

When the male lion is full, he will have more strength to chase the lioness all over the world...

Until he is caught by the lion king.

The war has begun.

The lion king was also very angry and decided to beat the male lion into submission so that he would never dare to attack his wife again.

The male lion, who knew he could not beat him, became frightened in an instant, turned around and ran away.

But this time the lion king followed closely and had no intention of letting it go.

was finally caught and beaten until he doubted his life. Fortunately, the administrator arrived in time and stopped the war!

The male lion, who was frightened by the lion king, hid in the corner and kept sobbing:

"Why, why do you have a group of wives and concubines, while I am a lonely dog?"

Looking at this coward, the administrator couldn't bear it.What to do with


In order to give the male lion something to look forward to, they collected some lioness hair and used a cardboard box to make him a fake wife!

can make the "silly boy" very happy, and it is a post of love!

Unexpectedly, the paper made of paper was not strong, and it was pulled down by the male lion at once.

The male lion was very distressed and hurriedly stepped forward to comfort his fake wife, but...

's paw was crushed!

This is really wow! Hahahahaha~

However, even though the fake wife is deflated, the male lion still likes her very much!

After all...

This is first love...