Some netizens said, "Why did my dog ​​bite her own baby to death after giving birth?" This made the owner puzzled. Why would a female dog bite her puppies to death? It turns out there are these reasons hidden behind it...

Some netizens said, " Why did my dog ​​bite her own baby to death after giving birth? "

This left the owner puzzled. Why would a female dog bite her puppies to death? It turns out that there are these reasons hidden behind it...

Reason 1:

The puppies are not very healthy and are eliminated

Not all puppies are born healthy, and some have bad constitutions

So the female dog will do it for others The growth of healthy children will eliminate unhealthy ones

Then they can concentrate on taking care of other puppies and improve the survival rate of the children

Although it sounds cruel, the world of dogs is like this

Reason 2:

Inexperience , accidentally killed

Some dogs who gave birth for the first time have no experience in these things

They will be very suspicious before and after giving birth, and they will be even more nervous after giving birth

If they are a little frightened, they will bite their own pups to death.

So when your dog gives birth to puppies, you must not scare it, give it a quiet environment to rest.

Reason 3:

The puppies have other smells, and they suspect that they are not your own children.

Dogs rely on smell. To tell the difference, if there are other smells on the puppy, it will think that this is not its own child.

In order to protect its own biological child, it will bite it to death

. Therefore, when the owner touches the puppy, remember to wear gloves. Don't let it be tainted with your scent

Reason 4:

Feel threatened, in order to prevent the child from being taken away by others

After the female dog gives birth to puppies, she is irritable and vigilant, and they cannot be stimulated by any stimulation

If there is still one at home If other small animals come close, it will think that they are harming its own children, so it will bite its own children to death first. This is one of the normal phenomena in the animal world.

Reason 5:

There are too many cubs to raise. Animals

Some dogs may give birth to five or six at one time. If they are not nutritious,

they will not be able to feed them, so they will bite a few of them to death to reduce their own burden.

How should we avoid biting by female dogs? What about killing your own child?

★According to what was mentioned above, female dogs bite their puppies to death mainly because they are stimulated. Therefore, before the dog is about to give birth, the owner should arrange a quiet delivery room for it in advance, so that after it gives birth, You can stay inside to stabilize your mood.

★When the mood of the dog mother slowly eases, the owner can try to accompany it, play with it, improve its interest, and prevent postpartum depression . It can be paired with snacks to relieve the dog's anxiety.

Conclusion : What do you think is the reason why a female dog kills her puppies?