"It looks a little like a monkey, can fall asleep while eating, has legs but can't walk, and is a good swimmer." On the morning of July 7, reporters saw three newly introduced star animals-sloths in the Anteater House of Zhengzhou Zoo. Remember the "lightning" in "Zootopia" that

"Looks a little like a monkey, can fall asleep while eating, has legs but can't walk, and is a good swimmer." On the morning of July 7, reporters saw three newly introduced star animals - sloth in the Anteater Hall of Zhengzhou Zoo.

Do you still remember the " lightning " in " Crazy Zootopia " that made you laugh? Although it is called "Lightning", it is a sloth that is so slow that it makes people mad. However, "Lightning" is the three-toed sloth , and the Zhengzhou Zoo introduced the two-toed sloth this time. As the brothers of "Lightning", they are also lazy and slow.

The laziness and slowness of sloths are definitely beyond your imagination. They are too lazy to do anything, even too lazy to eat or play. Even when being chased or captured, they crawl slowly. When they escape, The speed cannot exceed 0.2 meters/second. Although it climbs very slowly, sloths are good swimmers in the water. Although this speed may seem very slow to everyone, it is very, very fast for sloths. Why do slow sloths swim so fast? Because this is a necessary skill for survival. When surviving in the wild, the big trees where sloths live may be threatened by floods during the rainy season. Swimming is an essential way to survive!

Sloths live in trees all year round and are strictly arboreal. They spend most of their lives hanging in trees. They eat, sleep, mate, and raise children in trees, and rarely go to the ground. Therefore, although they have legs, they are hardly used for walking. They only climb to the ground when they defecate or move to a new tree to eat. Because they are too lazy to move and eat, they have to save energy consumption. Therefore, sloths sleep for 15 hours a day and only go out to look for food at night. It follows a low-energy diet and eats plant leaves and fruits.

This time Zhengzhou Zoo introduced three two-toed sloths, 2 males and 1 female. These three cute sloths have become neighbors with , the giant anteater . Come take a look during the summer vacation! Sloth has also brought many surprise benefits to everyone...

Surprise benefits

1. Direct discount on tickets

html From July 8 to 28, the first 100 people who purchase full-price adult tickets at the Zhengzhou Zoo manual ticket window every day will enjoy half-price tickets. discount. Limit 1 purchase per person.

2. Leave a message and like it to get a ticket.

Leave a message on the Zhengzhou Zoo WeChat public account’s article about sloths in July. The first 30 selected comments will get a ticket.

3. Draw a sloth and get free tickets

From July 8th to August 31st, children can draw sloths on the spot in the sloth exhibition area of ​​Zhengzhou Zoo. All works will be voted on through the Zhengzhou Zoo WeChat official account, and the outstanding works will be displayed in the Zhengzhou Zoo. Zoo exhibits and free admission tickets.

(our reporter Du Yong, correspondent Li Wenyue, text/picture)