The Shih Tzu is a native dog breed in China. As early as the 16th century, the Shih Tzu served as the guard dog of Tibetan temples and never left easily. So why are Shih Tzus becoming more and more popular nowadays? Some netizens even said that they don’t want to change them afte

The Shih Tzu is a native dog breed in China. As early as the 16th century, the Shih Tzu served as the guard dog of Tibetan temples and never left easily.

So why are Shih Tzus becoming more and more popular nowadays? Some netizens even said that they don’t want to change them after they have them.

Here are the following reasons:

. Shih Tzu dogs love their owners very much.

Anyone who has ever raised a Shih Tzu dog knows that the Shih Tzu dog is very clingy. At the same time, it also loves its owner very much and wants to know everything about the owner. Therefore, if you raise a Shih Tzu, you can feel its deep love.

. The Shih Tzu has a good appearance

The Shih Tzu has beautiful hair, and there is a lot of hair. This kind of Shih Tzu looks like a furry doll, and its appearance is very high, so many netizens like its cuteness appearance.

. The Shih Tzu does not shed

The hair of the Shih Tzu is fine and relatively long, so it is a dog that does not shed much. You can hold it in your arms as much as you want without worrying about the hair sticking to it. It is very convenient. , so many people like dogs of the Shih Tzu breed.

. The Shih Tzu is small in size

The Shih Tzu is relatively small, weighing generally 4kg-8kg. Even a girl can easily pick it up, and its requirements for living space are not very high, so it is very suitable for raising in the city.

Of course, any dog ​​has its shortcomings and advantages, so if you want to raise a Shih Tzu, you must also understand its shortcomings accordingly.

Disadvantages of the Shih Tzu

. Strong self-esteem

Although the Shih Tzu loves its owner, its self-esteem is very strong and its temper is relatively hot. Some provocative behavior may induce it to attack.

. The hair should be combed regularly

Although the Shih Tzu does not shed much, it is easier to tangle. The owner needs to groom it for a long time every day, otherwise the pet will easily breed bacteria and attract parasites. However, if the grooming time is too long, the Shih Tzu is likely to become impatient and not let the owner groom it.

It is recommended that the owner use some dog snacks to attract the attention of the Shih Tzu. Dogs are relatively gluttonous animals. With the attraction of snacks, the Shih Tzu will naturally not move around and will obediently let the owner comb its hair.

. Prone to indigestion problems

Shih Tzu dogs are small in size and have short gastrointestinal tracts, so they are prone to gastrointestinal problems, such as indigestion, especially when the owner feeds them some greasy and salty food. It is more obvious, so it is recommended that the owner adjust the diet structure and choose a light and easy-to-digest dog food as the main food. It is better to help promote the digestion of the Shih Tzu.

But the article is coming to an end, so I won’t say more. The following brands of dog food are quite suitable. Interested pet owners can pay attention to them.


After reading this, do you want to raise a Shih Tzu?