Now more and more people are starting to raise dogs. Dog raising can bring them joy and happiness. Over time, they regard dogs as their own family members. For the sake of their own dogs, take a look at these taboos about raising dogs. You Did you step into a trap? Dogs that are

Nowadays, more and more people are starting to raise dogs. Dog raising can bring them joy and happiness. Over time, they regard dogs as their own family members. For the sake of their own dogs, let’s take a look at these taboos about raising dogs. Have you stepped into a trap?

No deworming

When dogs are active outside, they may be targeted by parasites. Some dog owners do not take it seriously and do not deworm their dogs regularly. Then the dog will easily develop skin diseases. In severe cases, it may cause skin diseases. Spread throughout the body!

Therefore, for the health of dogs, it is not only important to deworm externally, but also internally! Only by deworming your dog regularly can your dog be free from parasites and grow up healthily.

Shaved hair

In the summer, some dogs are worried about too much hair on their bodies and worry about their heatstroke, so they shave all their hair, but in fact, shaving their hair cannot help them to a certain extent. If you dissipate heat, your skin may be damaged by ultraviolet rays, and the probability of suffering from skin diseases will increase!

Ignore dogs

Some dog owners ignore dogs due to various things. This approach will affect the mental health of dogs. In severe cases, they may suffer from depression !

Dogs still have a sense of dependence on their owners. They need more companionship from their owners to prevent their dogs from being ignored by you for a long time! Therefore, no matter how busy you are, you should still take time to spend time with your dogs so that their physical and mental health can develop better!

Walking dogs without a leash

Some people see dogs as smart, not running around, and let them go. What they don’t know is that the consequences of not leashing are very serious. Dogs without leashes are more likely to have accidents, and even tragic tragedies may occur. ! So when you go out, you must keep a leash and walk your dog in a civilized manner!

Overly doting

Some dog owners love their dogs very much and indulge their dogs' temperament, but their love is impersonal and they do not train them, which leads to doting on them, which invisibly harms them and has no influence on their growth. Any help, it will be very difficult to correct them later.

Therefore, it is necessary to train at the beginning. During the training process, some snacks should be appropriately rewarded. If the poop scrapers don’t know how to choose, you can take a look at this link:

Feed as you please

Some breeders think that dogs can eat anything, as they please. Feeding, human food is still given to dogs. However, some human food is heavy in oil and salt. If given to dogs, it will cause the dog to consume excessive salt content, leading to hair loss, skin diseases and other symptoms. !

Our usual diet for dogs is still mainly based on dog food . The salt content of dog food is enough. However, when choosing dog food, it is still mainly light and low-salt, and choose high-quality food!

Conclusion: Have you stepped through these "pits" when raising a dog?

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