Dogs are man's best friend, so many dog ​​owners have extremely strong emotions for dogs. But people have sorrows and joys and partings, and the moon waxes and wanes. Everything has a growth cycle, and we can only accept it and face it. And I believe many netizens have heard the

Dogs are man’s best friend, so there are many dog ​​owners who have extremely strong emotions for dogs. But people have sorrows and joys and partings, and the moon waxes and wanes. Everything has a growth cycle, and we can only accept it and face it.

And I believe that many netizens have heard the message that "dogs cannot be buried after they die". Why is this? In fact, these are the reasons behind it.

Why is it said that dogs cannot be buried underground after death?

1. Will pollute the environment

When dogs are buried underground, a large number of microorganisms decompose the dog's body, which will attract various insects, breed bacteria, and pollute the local environment.

2. Contagious diseases

The death of a dog may be caused by contracting a certain disease. If it is buried underground at this time, other passing small animals may be infected and carry the germs.

3. It will smell

Anyone who has ever buried a dog will know that after the dog is buried, the land will be extremely smelly and unbearable, and may even lead to vomiting.

4. Will cause conflicts

In some cities, the population is relatively dense. If the smell of rotting dogs is smelled by other residents, it may cause a conflict.

5. Prevent other animals from nibbling

Some animals have a more sensitive sense of smell, and the smell of rotting dogs is, on the contrary, the aroma of food to them. So they will dig holes in the soil and eat the carcasses of their beloved pets.

I believe that the death of a dog is something that no one wants to see, so how can we extend the life of a dog?

1. Regularly vaccinate dogs

Many owners will selectively ignore this matter and think that vaccinating their dogs every year is too troublesome. However, vaccinating dogs can greatly improve their resistance and protect their dogs. Dog health.

2. Take it out for exercise regularly

Life lies in exercise, and dogs are no exception. Moderate exercise can improve the dog's cardiopulmonary function and promote blood circulation, which is of great help to the dog's health.

But some dogs are lazy and don’t like to go out for exercise. At this time, the owner can use some dog snacks to encourage the dog and let the dog understand. It turns out that there is delicious food to eat when you go out for exercise, so naturally you won’t be cooped up in your room unable to go out.

3. Health management dog diet

As the saying goes, diseases enter through the mouth. What dogs eat can directly affect their health. Owners must pay attention to the nutrition of the food their dogs eat and choose some high-quality food for their dogs. Therefore, it is recommended that owners adjust their diet and choose a nutritious and high-quality dog food as the main food for their dogs, so that their dogs’ health can be better protected and they can stay with us longer. .

But the article is coming to an end, so I won’t say more. The following brands of dog food are quite suitable. Interested pet owners can pay attention to them.


Do you have a dog at home?