We know that when dogs defecate, there are many preparation movements, and each dog’s defecation movements are also different. A dog’s defecation posture can “reveal” its personality. What kind of dog is yours?

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We know that when dogs defecate, there are many preparation actions, and each dog’s defecation actions are also different. So you know what? A dog’s defecation posture can “reveal” its personality. What kind of dog is yours?

1. Looking around

Personality: vigilant and sensitive

When dogs defecate, they always look left and right, and they poop very quickly and leave immediately after pooping.

Dogs that defecate like this are very vigilant, always worried about being attacked, and will immediately become sensitive to any disturbance.

2, raising legs

Personality: Loves cleanliness and is possessive

If a dog raises its legs to pee, it means that it loves to be clean and does not want its hair to be soiled by daddy.

Dogs that raise their legs to defecate are very possessive and like to declare their status.

3. Hiding in hidden bushes

Personality: Timid and fearful of strangers

When a dog goes out to defecate, he must hide in hidden bushes or under a tree, indicating that he is timid in character. Dogs like

are more shy. They usually don’t take the initiative to play with other dogs when they go out. They don’t dare to fight back when bullied. They are a bit timid.

4, half-squatting

Personality: well-behaved, mature

The most commonly used defecation posture for dogs should be this half-squatting posture.

Dogs squat down to defecate and bury their poop after defecating. This kind of dog knows the rules and has a mature and stable personality.

5. Pooping while walking

Personality: Naughty and lively

Dogs are very restless when defecating. They always poop while walking, sniffing here and pooping there. Dogs like

are generally playful and active, full of curiosity about everything. It is also difficult to discipline on weekdays.

6. Using the toilet

Personality: Smart and clever

The dog will use the toilet to poop, which shows that it has strong observation ability and high IQ. It will imitate the behavior of its owner and treat itself as a human being.

Pet owners can also train their dogs to urinate and defecate at designated times at home. This can keep the home clean and hygienic, and it is easy for the pet owners to clean up. To train dogs to urinate and defecate at fixed points, pet owners can use some snacks as assistance, which can improve the training effect.

When pet owners take their dogs out to defecate, they can pay more attention to the dog’s defecation. The dog’s defecation can reflect the dog’s health. If the dog has constipation, smelly feces and other problems, pet owners should consider Is the dog sick? If it is not sick, it is a dietary problem. It is best to change the dog to some light diet.

Conclusion: What posture does your dog use to defecate?