Many owners of male cats feel that there is actually no need to neuter male cats. After all, male cats cannot get pregnant, and they will not suddenly give birth to a litter of kittens. But did you know that male cats will actually undergo these changes after they open their eggs

Many owners of male cats feel that it is not necessary to spay or neuter them. After all, male cats will not get pregnant, nor will they suddenly give birth to a litter of kittens. But did you know that male cats will actually undergo these changes after they open their eggs?

Changes after "egg removal"

. Will not poop or urinate. It seems that most male animals have a strong sense of territory, and cats are no exception. Male cats also like to occupy territory and various things. The way male cats occupy territory is to mark it with urine, so most male cats will urinate indiscriminately, especially when they are in heat. They will also attract female cats by peeing, leaving a smell of urine everywhere. .

But after sterilization, the territorial awareness of male cats will be weakened, and they will not be in estrus, so they will basically not urinate randomly.

. There won’t always be fights. Due to the influence of the male hormone in the body, male cats have a relatively strong desire to fight, so they often fight. When they are in heat, they will also fight for the right to mate with female cats.

But if the male cat is "egg-opened" and the male hormone is reduced, the male cat will no longer be affected by the hormone, and will have no desire to fight, and its attack power will also decrease, and it will rarely fight.

. Reduce reproductive system diseases. do you know? Many male cats may suffer from testicular cancer and prostate disease. These diseases have a great impact on the physical health of male cats and even affect their life span.

However, male cats that have been "egg-opened" will greatly reduce the chance of suffering from these diseases. The male cat's body will be healthier, which can extend the cat's life to a certain extent.

. Personality will change. The personality of male cats will also change after their eggs are removed. After a male cat has undergone sterilization surgery , the hormones in the body will change, but the impact of hormones on each cat is different. Some cats may become wantless and have a docile and well-behaved personality.

However, some male cats will become irritable after being neutered, and may bear grudges or take revenge on their owners.

. Will not run away from home. When many male cats are in heat, they will sneak out and look for someone to mate with. But after sterilization, the male cat will not be in estrus, nor will he want the female kitten all day long, so he will not run away from home because of this.

How to take care of a neutered male cat

. Soothing emotions

After sterilization, many male cats may not be able to accept it for a while and become depressed. At this time, pet owners must soothe the cat's mood and spend more time with it. You can also use Divert its attention with some delicious snacks.

. Pay attention to hygiene

Although the sterilization surgery of male cats is relatively simple and the recovery is quick, pet owners still need to pay attention to post-operative care, pay attention to hygiene, and do not let the wound get wet to avoid wound infection and inflammation.

. Managing body shape

Many male cats easily gain weight after sterilization due to the influence of hormones in the body and lack of exercise. However, being too obese in cats is not good for the body and may lead to heart disease, diabetes, and so on. Therefore, pet owners must control the cat’s diet. Generally, it is enough to eat 7-8 minutes before it is full, and it is best to choose one with a fat content of about 13%-16%.

Conclusion: Would you neuter your cat?

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