Different dogs have different physiques, some are thin and some are fat. Today, let’s take a look at 6 types of dogs that are prone to getting fat. If you accidentally become a pig, is your dog on the list? "Beagle" - Disc Action Character: Lively and sensitive, the Beagle is one

Different dogs have different physiques, some are thin and some are fat. Today, let’s take a look at 6 types of dogs that are prone to getting fat. If you accidentally become a pig, is your dog on the list?

Beagle 』——CD Actor

Personality: lively and sensitive

Beagle is one of the most popular pet dogs in the United States, and it is also the prototype of the Snoopy we are familiar with. Beagles were used as hunting dogs. They have good physical fitness and well-developed motor cells. So why are they said to gain weight easily?

One bad thing about beagles is that they are greedy. They are simply disc movers. No matter how much food they give them, they can get rid of them. Even if the owner doesn't give them food, they will rummage through boxes and cabinets and become fat accidentally. Become a pig.

Basset Dog 』——Little fat and short legs

Personality: lively and cheerful

The Basset Dog has a short stature, coupled with its greedy nature, it will become fat accidentally, and it will not stop after getting fat. I love sports and have gone further and further on the road to gaining weight.

Therefore, the owner should control its diet and find ways to maintain a certain amount of exercise every day, which will help it lose weight.

"Pug" - sleep after eating

Personality: gentle and considerate

Pug is also called Pug . It is liked by many people for its gentle, considerate, cute and cute personality. At the same time, it is also an easily changeable dog. Fat dog.

Pug dogs are inherently greedy, and they don’t like to exercise. They either eat or sleep every day, which is no different from raising a pig. No wonder they gain weight easily.

Labrador 』——a rice-cooking machine without emotions

Personality: gentle and kind

Anyone who has raised a Labrador knows that it is a rice-cooking machine without emotions. It also has another nickname: " "Pig" not only eats a lot, but also poops a lot. It feels like eating nothing.

If you don’t pay attention to exercise management, it is very easy for your Labrador to become fat if you are lazy.

"Golden Retriever" - a gluttonous eater

Personality: Passionate and smart

The Golden Retriever is a dog that everyone is familiar with. Don't look at it as a warm man on the outside, but it is actually a greedy eater. You are eating. At that time, I looked at you helplessly and kept drooling.

When raising a golden retriever, you must control its diet, urge it to do exercise training, and maintain a good posture. If the golden retriever does not like to exercise, you can tempt it with some snacks to increase its enthusiasm for exercise.

"Alaska" - heavyweight fat dog

Personality: Cute and cute

Don't look at Alaska. He was cute and cute when he was a child. He is a small one. When he grows up, he is a heavyweight fat dog. He is known as the "Alaska Pig". It is very scary to get fat, and it eats a lot and cooks food quickly. If you don't control its food intake, it is very easy to turn into a pig.

Therefore, for Alaskans who are prone to gaining weight, they must control their food intake and do more exercise, otherwise becoming fat will easily cause some obesity diseases, which will have an impact on the body. In terms of staple food, you can choose a dog food containing low-fat meat to feed it, which can help Alaska lose weight and maintain a perfect body. Please refer to these for details!

Conclusion: Is your dog greedy?