As the most popular small dogs, Teddy and Bichon Frize are very popular. Teddy is cute and lively, and many people are chasing this. However, the number of people raising Teddy has become smaller, sales have also become smaller, and they are no more attractive than bear dogs. Alt

Teddy and Bichon Frize are the most popular small dogs and their popularity is very high. Teddy is cute and lively, and many people are pursuing this. However, the number of people raising Teddy has become smaller, and sales have also decreased. is not more attractive than bear dog .

Although Teddy is excellent in all aspects, why is the sales volume not as good as Bichon Frize? Many pet owners gave these answers ~


Bichon Frize looks simple, not as scheming as Teddy

We all know that Teddy’s IQ is higher than Bichon Frize, he is very good at reading people’s faces, and he has a feeling of being a villain. , not as dull as Bichon Frize, and looks more innocent.

Many pet owners think that Bichon Frize is cute when he looks stupid, unlike Teddy who has so many little thoughts and is easier to discipline.


Bichon Frize has a sweet smile, which is very healing.

Some people may think that Bichon Frize has white hair and looks like a marshmallow, and has a sweet smile, which makes people feel very healing. Although Teddy is also very lively, in comparison, he always feels that something is missing. Seeing such a healing dog makes people feel better.


Bichon Frize seldom makes embarrassing behaviors

Teddy’s sales are not as good as Bichon Frize. It is probably because Teddy will make some embarrassing behaviors. No matter where it is, whoever it is, it will behave astride it, which makes the owner very Awkward.

However, the behavior of riding astride is the nature of dogs. It does not mean that all Teddy dogs are like this, and Bichon Frize is relatively rare. In order to avoid this situation, many people choose Bichon Frize.


Bichon Frize is quieter and does not bark randomly.

Some people will say that Teddy likes to bark. Of course, this is only the case for most Teddy bears. In comparison, Bichon Frize has a quieter personality and basically not much Call. Moreover, many people now live in residential areas. It is more worry-free to raise a Bichon bear without worrying about disturbing the neighbors and affecting the relationship between the neighbors.

Whether it is a Bichon Frize or a Teddy, if it likes to bark, it may be a sign of lack of security. In this regard, the owner should spend more time with the dog, so that it can feel the safety of the family and the love of the owner, relax its vigilance, and train. Sometimes you can combine it with small snacks, the effect will be better.


Bichon’s hair is not easy to fade.

Teddy’s hair is prone to fading due to genetic problems. It is more obvious for Teddy with light-colored hair, which greatly affects the appearance. For Bichons, there is no such problem.

Although the Bichon Frize's hair will not fade, there is a fatal problem that is the tear stains. The Bichon Frize's tear glands are well developed, and it has white hair, but suddenly there are two more tear stains, which is really ugly.

For pet owners who want to reduce the fading of Teddy’s hair, they can give it some hair-beautifying food.

For pet owners who raise Bichon Frize, they must pay attention to a light diet and avoid eating food with high oil and salt content, otherwise it will aggravate tear stains. For the staple food, you can choose dog food , which is a heat-clearing and fire-reducing dog food. Managing tear stain problems in Bichons. Please refer to these for details!

Today’s interaction: No matter what kind of dog they are, they must be treated equally without prejudice

Do you like Teddy or Bichon Frize?