Everyone is familiar with the Chinese Garden Dog and the Shiba Inu. One is our native dog and the other is Japan’s native dog. They look a bit similar. But did you know that both are native dogs, but there is a huge gap between them. The Shiba Inu is liked, but the Chinese Pastor

Chinese Garden Dog and Shiba Inu are all familiar to everyone. One is our native dog , and the other is Japanese native dog, which looks a bit similar.

But did you know that both are native dogs, but there is a big gap. Shiba Inu is liked, but Chinese Pastoral Dog is disliked. Why is this?

Why are Chinese Garden Dogs disliked?

① The appearance of the Chinese Garden Dog is not good

Most people think that the blood of the Chinese Garden Dog is not pure. Most of the current Chinese Garden Dogs are hybrids, and there are very few purebreds. This also leads to the poor appearance of the Chinese Garden Dog. high.

②Chinese Garden Dogs cannot be seen on the stage, which is a shame

Chinese Garden Dogs were very popular in the past. As more and more dog breeds enter the market, many people think that foreign dog breeds are more beautiful, and their local dogs are not as good as foreign ones. of.

was also troubled by vanity. He felt that raising a Chinese pastoral dog would not be on the stage and would be a shame. Although the Shiba Inu is also a native dog, in the final analysis it is a foreign native dog, so the Chinese pastoral dog was disliked.

Why are Shiba Inu more popular?

(1), Shiba Inu is an Internet celebrity dog, and everyone follows the trend and raises

Shiba Inu has become popular on the Internet with its emoticons, becoming a relatively popular Internet celebrity dog, and more and more people like this kind of dog. Since many people like to raise animals, there will be a herd mentality. If others have it, I will have it. If everyone follows suit, it will naturally become popular.

(2), Shiba Inu relatives, docile personality

We all know that Chinese Garden Dogs are highly vigilant, and are still wary of strangers, and may attack at any time. The Shiba Inu has a more docile and affectionate personality, and rarely actively attacks humans. In order to reduce the occurrence of bite and injury accidents, more people will choose the docile Shiba Inu.

(3), Shiba Inu’s emoticons are very popular

The reason why Shiba Inu is liked by people is because of its emoticons. There are all kinds of Shiba Inu emoticons on the Internet. They are humorous and funny, and people naturally like them.

Especially when the Shiba Inu is stubborn, it makes people laugh and cry. There is no one who doesn’t like this interesting and funny dog.

We all know that the Shiba Inu has a stubborn personality. If you want it to be more obedient, you need to train it more to improve its obedience. If you combine training with small snacks, the effect will be better.

In fact, whether it is a Chinese Garden Dog or a Shiba Inu, they have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it still depends on how you choose.

Since you have a dog, you must be responsible for it. When feeding it daily, you must pay attention to a balanced diet. This will be healthier for the dog and its lifespan will be longer and longer. In terms of staple food, you can choose a nutritious dog food or to feed your dog, which can provide your dog with nutritional supplements and a balanced diet. Please refer to these for details!

Conclusion: Do you prefer Shiba Inu or Chinese Pastoral Dog?