Rabies is something that scares many people. For dog owners, the biggest fear is that their dogs will get rabies. So what are the symptoms of rabies in a dog? Vet Alert. If your dog has these characteristics, it may be suffering from rabies. For your own safety, you should stay a

Rabies , this scares many people. For dog owners, the most fearful thing is that their dogs will get rabies. So what are the symptoms of rabies in a dog?

veterinary reminder. If your dog has these characteristics, it may be suffering from rabies. For your own safety, you should stay away as soon as you find it.

1: What are the characteristics of dogs suffering from rabies?

Ⅰ: As domestic dogs, most of them are tamed, so their personalities are relatively docile and they rarely attack people.

If a dog with a docile personality suddenly changes its personality, becomes irritable, becomes extremely excited, and starts to attack some small animals or humans, you should pay attention at this time, as it may be a sign of rabies.

Ⅱ: A dog suffering from rabies is different from other dogs. Its mouth cannot close, saliva increases, and the dog’s bark becomes hoarse. If you are not careful, the dog may become more serious, with some May cause death.

Ⅲ: When a dog has rabies, it is afraid of light and water, and often hides in dark corners. Sometimes the owner ignores the dog.

Ⅳ: Finally, when a dog suffers from rabies, he will become unconscious, walk with a stiff posture, or turn in circles. He will not remember the way home when he goes out, and will wander aimlessly.

2: How to prevent dogs from contracting rabies?

(1), If you want to prevent your dog from contracting rabies, the most important thing is to vaccinate your dog regularly to ensure your dog's health and effectively prevent rabies. Therefore, you must take your dog for vaccination regularly, and do not ignore this work just to be lazy.

(2), When you take your dog out, you must wear a leash to prevent your dog from coming into contact with sick dogs, and do not walk your dog in dirty places to avoid bacterial infection.

When you take your dog out, you can bring some snacks with you to attract the dog's attention and prevent it from being attracted by other things and running around, and to prevent it from getting lost.

(3), In addition, the dog’s diet is also very important. You must give it healthy and nutritious food. Do not feed it raw food or dig through the garbage outside, and do not eat low-quality dog food . The staple food is still mainly dog ​​food. You can choose a nutritious and high-quality dog ​​food to feed it, which is good for the dog's body. Please refer to these for details!

Conclusion: Have you taken the measures to prevent rabies in dogs?