Introduction: Why do dogs run away from home before they die? What exactly is going on? It is said that dogs are man’s most loyal friends, and the author actually agrees with this view. As far as rural areas are concerned, almost every household used to keep dogs, some as pets, a

Introduction: Why do dogs run away from home before they die? What exactly is going on?

all say that dogs are man’s most loyal friends. I actually agree with this view. As far as rural areas are concerned, almost every household used to keep dogs, some as pets, and some as dogs for home care.

From a value perspective, dogs help humans far more than cats. It may be said that so far, no animal can replace the role dogs play in human society. Until now, in this civilized society, many people still like to keep dogs.

However, for dog owners, there is one thing that worries them very much, and that is how long the dog's life span is, and they are afraid of their dog's death. One of the very puzzling things is that dogs always choose to run away from home before they die. What is going on?

Let’s explain it carefully.

First of all, let’s understand how long a dog’s life span is and prepare yourself mentally. As the saying goes, "A chicken does not live for six years, and a dog does not live for eight years." Literally, a dog's life span is only eight years. So is this true?

At least from the perspective of rural people, the proverbs are very accurate. After all, they are all summed up by the experience of the older generation. The authenticity of this sentence is almost the same. We have dogs at home, and they are almost always inseparable. Sometimes dogs will help us do some things in a humane way.

Many dog ​​owners often regard their dogs as part of their family members. Whenever a dog leaves us, it always makes people feel endless sadness.

However, now that science and technology have improved, the life span of dogs has also improved. If ordinary dogs are well taken care of, they can generally live for 10 to 15 years.

The lifespan of dogs is probably clear, but we still can’t face the image of dogs leaving us. Maybe before the dogs died, they were afraid that their owners would see them, so they chose to run away from home and hide. Is that what happened?

I used to have a lot of dogs at home. Every time the dogs reached the end of their lifespan, the dogs would disappear a few days early. In the end, they would be found in some abandoned caves or abandoned houses near my home. It was a pity that they were found. By then, the dog had no breath of life.

I believe many netizens have the same experience as me. Why do dogs choose to run away from home before they die?

The old man in the countryside explained that because the dog was worried about the owner being sad, he secretly left by himself to avoid seeing the owner being sad. In addition, it is unlucky for a dog to die at home, so the dog chooses to go outside.

In addition, some people say that after the dog died, he was afraid that the meat would be eaten by others, so he hid in a far away place. However, the author strongly disagrees with this statement. After all, we live with dogs day and night, so how can we be willing to eat dog meat.

In fact, the above statements are a bit far-fetched and are all judged based on our daily wishes. In fact, what dogs do is just a matter of their own instincts. The wolf, which is the closest blood relative to dogs in nature, also behaves like this when it is about to die. It is not just the dogs themselves that do this.

According to the habits of wolves, before they die, that is, when the oil is exhausted, in order not to cause trouble to the wolves, they often choose to leave to some relatively remote places to wait for death. The same is true for dogs. .

If the dog can recover during this period, he will eventually choose to return home. But once they find that they are not in good health, they will leave quietly outside and are not willing to cause trouble to their owners.

I wonder if you know this habit of dogs? Have you ever had such an experience? Welcome to leave a message to share your opinions!