The banned list has been announced. Those who raise these four types of large dogs should pay attention and stop raising them. Doberman ×××××. The appearance is stylish and handsome, which is really eye-catching.

Do you know how many banned dogs are there nowadays?

The banned list has been announced. Those who raise these 4 types of large dogs should pay attention and stop raising them.

1, Doberman Pinscher ×××××

Do you like the Doberman Pinscher of the man in the suit?

looks stylish and handsome, which is really eye-catching.

However, it should be noted that you may not be able to keep a Doberman Pinscher!

①: The tall Doberman Pinscher is one of the fierce and ferocious dog breeds.

②: Aggressive, combative, and very territorial.

③: With a cold appearance and a strong personality, he can easily scare others.

④: It has strong attack power and is difficult to control when encountering emergencies.

2, Rottweiler ×××××

The loyal and protective Rottweiler, is the dream dog of many boys?

is powerful and domineering. Just standing there, his momentum is very scary.

However, it should be noted that Rottweilers may not be able to be raised!

①: Too protective of the owner and prone to attack passers-by.

②: Emotionally unstable and aggressive in times of trouble.

③: The bite force is strong and can cause fatal injuries to people.

3, German Shepherd

This large wolfdog known as German black back is very popular among girls!

has a cold appearance but a soft heart. There is a sense of contrast between his personality and appearance.

However, no matter how much you like a German Shepherd dog, you may not be able to keep one!

①: According to the city management regulations, the height of dog breeds is not allowed to exceed 35 centimeters, and German shepherd dogs have exceeded this limit.

②: As military and police dogs, German Shepherds have certain attack capabilities and are easily exploited.

4, Akita Inu

Akita Inu, known as a loyal dog, was once very popular.

However, what you know about the Akita Inu may not be comprehensive.

No matter how much you like it, it’s all in vain if you don’t understand it comprehensively!

①: Highly vigilant, changeable in mood, agitated when encountering problems, and uncontrollable.

②: It is huge in size, powerful in attack, and poses a certain threat to people.

③: Among dogs, Akita dogs have a strong sense of hatred and can easily lead to accidents.

Among the above 4 kinds of dogs, is there any one you like?

Although many people expressed regret, but if you can’t support it, you can’t support it. You need to pay attention to it.

If you want to raise a dog, you can actually take a look at the following two types of dogs. They are easy to raise and obedient. You don’t have to worry about being raised in the city. You can raise them carefully.

1: Golden Retriever ( can raise )

As one of the popular dogs, there is a reason why Golden Retrievers are raised by many people.

①: It is easy to raise and is the first choice for novices.

As one of the large domestic dogs, the golden retriever is one of the most suitable companion dogs.

has a strong constitution and rarely gets sick, so novices can also take good care of themselves.

②: Sensible and lovable

The biggest advantage of golden retrievers is that they are lovable.

This is why, the longer the golden retriever is kept, the more its owner likes it.

is sensible and docile, and is recognized as one of the well-behaved dogs.

③: Smart and easy to train, with strong learning ability

is smart and easy to train, and he knows all kinds of instructions well.

Therefore, in terms of education, the master is also relatively worry-free.

If you want it to complete the instructions better, you can also try to add snack rewards to mobilize its enthusiasm.

2: Labrador ( can raise )

Is the warm and friendly Labrador on your dog list? There are three main reasons why

chose it.

①: Friendly to people, non-aggressive behavior

As one of the friendly large dogs, Labrador is recognized for its harmlessness, so it can be raised with confidence in the city.

②: He is kind to everyone and has no ill intentions.

Labrador has a relatively simple personality and is friendly to everyone.

Therefore, everyone who comes into contact with it will express their love for it.

③: As a working dog, Labrador is very loyal.

Labrador’s loyalty has been certified by society.

Therefore, owning a Labrador is equivalent to getting a loyal dog that will accompany you throughout your life.

However, there are certain requirements for raising Labradors, including a certain financial capacity, because Labradors are so edible.

not only eat a lot, but also consume it quickly, so they also have great dietary needs.

However, do not buy low-quality dog food just to save money. It will not only affect the Labrador's eating, but also cause damage to the Labrador's health. Therefore, a nutritious and high-quality dog ​​food is crucial for Labrador.

Conclusion: Are you raising any of the above dogs?