Entering July, the pigeon collection in public lofts in various places is coming to an end. Most public lofts have successively issued announcements of closure and will no longer accept new pigeons. The focus of the work will officially shift to breeding and management. However,

Entering July, the pigeon collection in public lofts in various places is coming to an end. Most public lofts have successively issued announcements of closure and will no longer accept new pigeons. The focus of the work will officially shift to breeding and management. However, some pigeon fanciers will continue to send participating pigeons to one loft in order to catch the "last train" or to make up for the group qualifications. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the safety of pigeons during transportation is the biggest concern for pigeon fanciers.

The following are some safety measures issued by Beijing Eijerkamp One Loft regarding the transportation of competition pigeons in other places in summer, which are worth learning from:

1. Please make sure that your transport box is well ventilated so that your pigeons have good ventilation. environment. Try not to use cartons and choose a shipping cage with good ventilation. It is usually checked in long-distance buses, and the luggage compartment space of the buses is limited, so the ventilation of the cage is particularly important.

2. As the weather gradually gets hotter, in order to prevent racing pigeon from dehydration, long-distance transportation will take more than 5 hours. Please properly replenish your pigeons with water before transportation. It is best to put ice cubes in the cage. Melting ice can take away part of the heat and reduce the temperature. As the transportation time goes by, the pigeons will become thirsty and they can drink the water from the melted ice, killing two birds with one stone.

3. For long-distance transportation, try to choose a bus at night, after all, the temperature at night is lower.

4. In order to avoid missing pigeons when picking up pigeons, please contact the company by phone in advance and inform the company of the following points:

a. Train number, flight number, car license plate number.

b. Arrival time, arrival location, number of racing pigeons, greenhouses and sheds, and phone number of the car owner.

5. Please fill in the recipient and phone number of the recipient carefully on the shipping box and check them.
