Raising a cat is really a happy and healing thing. But did you know that cats are actually very timid and many things scare them? Let’s talk about things that scare cats. I hope you haven’t done any of them! "Stop hitting me, it hurts." Level of panic: ★★★★★Some pet owners are mo

Raising a cat is really a happy and healing thing. But did you know that cats are actually very timid and many things scare them?

Let’s talk about things that scare cats. I hope you haven’t done any of them!

"Please stop hitting me, it hurts"

Level of panic: ★★★★★

Some pet owners are more violent and advocate "stick education". Many times, when a cat makes a mistake, they will beat and scold the cat with violence. . However, cats are small and very fragile. They cannot withstand violent beatings from their owners. A kick or punch from you may cause injury or even death to the cat.

So being beaten by the owner is something that frightens the cat very much. I hope you have never done it.

"Please, don't let me stand on my back feet, my spine can't bear it"

Horror level: ★★★★

Some pet owners think that cats stand on their back feet and the front feet are cute, so they train their cats to stand on their back feet. But you know what? This is also something that frightens cats very much.

The body structure of cats is different from that of humans. They stand on their hind legs, and all the weight of the body will fall on its spine. The cat’s spine cannot bear the weight of the body at all, which will make it very uncomfortable, painful, and possibly It can bend its spine, causing paralysis.

"Don't scare me on purpose, you will scare me to death"

Level of fear: ★★★★★★

Cats are really very timid, and sometimes toys, cucumbers, etc. that may suddenly make noises will startle them. But some pet owners are more evil-minded and like to see their cats’ frightened expressions, so they always scare their cats.

But doing this can really easily cause cats to have stress reactions . Some timid cats may be scared to death by you in minutes.

"Don't put me in a cage, I'm scared"

Level of fear: ★★★★

I believe no one likes to have their freedom restricted, and the same goes for cats. What cats fear most is being put into a cage by their owners after they make a mistake. Yes, this is actually a scary thing for cats. Have you ever done it?

“I’m so hungry, I’m going to run out of cat food today, right?”

Level of panic: ★★★★★★

One of the biggest wishes of a cat in life is to eat and drink every day without going hungry. Therefore, one of the most frightening things for cats is that they have not eaten the last meal, because the feeling of being hungry is really uncomfortable, and it will also make it feel insecure and often in a state of anxiety.

So if you have a cat, you must feed it regularly and quantitatively. This will not only improve the cat's happiness, but also allow the cat to form a healthy digestive system.

"Don't let me in, I'm afraid of being abandoned"

Level of fear: ★★★★★★

In order to punish the cat, some pet owners will pretend to drive it out of the house, which often frightens the cat. Although a cat is smart, its IQ is at most equivalent to that of a 6-7-year-old child, and its thinking is linear. It doesn't know that your behavior is just to scare it and to make it correct.

The cat will just think that you just don't want it. Cats are really afraid of being abandoned, so don't do it again.

If the cat makes a mistake, you can scold it, educate it, tell it what it cannot do, and guide it on what to do. Repeat this many times, and I believe the cat will correct it.

Conclusion: What is your cat most afraid of?

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