We have to admit that the fate of a dog’s life is determined from the moment it recognizes its owner. Even if the puppies born in the same litter have almost the same breed and appearance, they will look completely different with different owners. Wang Sheng.

We have to admit that the fate of a dog’s life is determined from the moment it recognizes its owner. Even if the puppies are born in the same litter, the breed and appearance are almost the same, because they will be completely different if they follow different owners. Different dogs.

Some dogs are held in the hands of their owners, pampered and pampered like treasures. Some dogs are bound by chains for life, with only a piece of roof covering their bodies. No matter how the owners treat the dogs, as long as they feel happy, That's enough.

Because, no matter what the owner’s family background is, whether he is poor or rich, the dog will never leave the owner. What is chilling is that some owners can abandon a dog at will without asking the reason. If the owner has no intention of doing anything to him in the first place. A dog is responsible for his whole life, so why take him home in the first place?

A dog that was thrown out of the car by its owner

On a busy road in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, it was during the evening rush hour. The spacious road was blocked for a while. While everyone was waiting for the cars to pass in an orderly manner, suddenly something happened The door of the trolley opened, and a white object was thrown out of the car. It turned out to be a dog!

After the dog was driven out of the car, the car door was closed instantly. The furry child, who was on all fours, was obviously at a loss. After circling the car twice, he realized that he had been abandoned by his owner. The dog started to stop. He pulled open the car door and screamed urgently, begging the owner to let him back.

Unfortunately, the dog’s begging did not impress the owner. He remained indifferent. After realizing that opening the door had no effect, the dog used all his strength to jump up. It seemed that he wanted to jump into the car through the open window. However, it was too short, so I tried several times without success.

During the process of the dog trying to jump, the owner stretched out the car window to drive the dog away many times. It is obvious that no matter how hard the dog tries and how much it wants to get back into the car, it is almost impossible because the owner has completely given up on it. .

At this moment, a motorcycle passed by the car and almost hit the dog. The driver of the motorcycle could only use his feet to drive the furry child away. The dog was frightened by the driver's actions, but still did not give up hope. , desperately pulling at the car door.

Unfortunately, all this is in vain. As the green light turns on, the crowded traffic is slowly evacuated. Cars speed up and drive away, including the car that left the dog behind, leaving only the panicked furry child. , scurrying helplessly in the traffic.

The person who abandoned the dog probably thought that no one knew about his evil deeds. Unexpectedly, the entire process of losing the dog was captured on the driving recorder of the vehicle behind him and posted online.

should be thrown away if it cannot be maintained?

To be honest, my first feeling after seeing this video was sadness, and then I felt deep confusion. The owner didn’t want to keep a dog. There were countless ways to place the dog, but he chose the most cruel one. Which one, throw the dog away directly or throw it into the fast traffic?

Even an adult must be careful when crossing the road, let alone a dog in the driver's blind spot. It is unimaginable that after the owner leaves, the dog will be panicked and helpless when facing the cars coming and going. What would you do? What if a driver didn't pay attention and hit a dog? It's scary just thinking about it.

Do you think the owner can't imagine the consequences of leaving the dog on the road? Of course he knew, but he did it anyway. In fact, it is not uncommon for pets to be abandoned on the road or even the highway.

The author once wrote an article about someone who abandoned a pet cat on the highway. Due to reports from enthusiastic netizens, the person who lost the cat was eventually found by the local traffic police department. When asked why he abandoned the cat on the highway, the other party said The answer was actually: The cat is disobedient and prevents it from driving!

If the owner really feels that the cat is disturbing him, why not just leave it at home, or put it in a cage or cat bag? Was it really not intentional to just dump it on the highway?

What will happen to the dog?

After the video of the lost dog was released, I have been searching for the follow-up situation of the dog. Some people said that the dog has been rescued by kind people and attached a few photos, but I am skeptical about this. Regarding the attitude, I feel that the appearance of the dog in the photo is somewhat different from that of the dog in the traffic, and the length of the legs is also inconsistent. If you know the latest situation of the dog, please leave a message in the comment area.

Once you decide to keep a dog, please take the responsibility of an owner. Even if you cannot continue to raise it due to personal reasons, please find a good home for the furry child. After all, they have spent a lot of good times with you, even if you don’t like it. Don't do harm.