As the saying goes: "Dogs watch the night, chickens watch the morning", "Horses are loyal, sheep are filial, dogs are righteous". Dogs are lively and cute and are loyal partners in people's lives. Since ancient times, we have classified dogs as one of the "six livestock" (horses,

As the saying goes: "Dogs watch at night, chickens watch the morning", "Horses are loyal, sheep are filial, dogs are righteous". Dogs are lively and cute and are loyal partners in people's lives. Since ancient times, we have classified dogs as one of the "six livestock" (horses, cattle, sheep, chickens, dogs, and hogs). The big ones are called dogs, and the small ones are called dogs. There are more than 1,400 dog breeds in the world, of which more than 500 are classified, and there are about 450 existing dog breeds.

The most important characteristic of a dog is loyalty. A dog's loyalty comes from its dependence on its owner and the puppy's Oedipus complex. A puppy that is attached to its mother can survive well.

When a dog transfers this Oedipus complex to its owner, it will become dependent on the owner. In other words, the dog will be as attached to its owner as its mother. This kind of dependence on mother is regarded as loyalty in people's eyes.

In addition, dogs and wolves are the most related animals. It still inherits the genetic code of the wolf that is absolutely loyal to the alpha wolf. This genetic code enables the dog to show loyalty and obedience to its owner.

Dogs have a well-developed sense of smell, which is 250 times that of humans. They can distinguish the smells of about 2 million substances. It also has a high degree of "analytical ability" and can sniff out the smell it is looking for from many mixed smells. Sometimes you will find that the object or food rewarded to it is right next to it, and it does not find it through its eyes, but keeps smelling the reward or food, because dogs are used to using their noses to find objects by following the smell.

The noses of various animals have roughly the same structure. There are many folds in the upper part of the nasal cavity, and there is a layer of mucus membrane on the folds. There are many olfactory cells hidden in the mucous membrane. When the mucus secreted from the mucous membrane often moistens these olfactory cells, they will The odorous substance molecules are dissolved in the mucus and stimulate the olfactory cells. The olfactory cells immediately send signals to the olfactory center of the brain, so there is a sense of "taste".

The special thing about a dog’s nose is that it has a lot of olfactory cells. Even the bare part of the nose has many protrusions and mucous membrane tissue on it, which can constantly secrete mucus to moisturize the olfactory cells and keep them highly sensitive. The quantity and quality of dogs' olfactory cells are superior to those of other animals.

Dogs' hearing is also very sensitive, and their hearing is 16 times that of humans. If you spend time with dogs for a long time, you will find that dogs can detect sounds that we cannot hear. There are 18 muscles in the dog's ears. When the dog concentrates and erects its ears, it will "turn up the volume" by controlling the position of its ears in order to hear distant sounds more clearly and accurately. Can distinguish extremely weak and high-frequency sounds. The ears are always moving in the direction of the source of the sound, and they have a strong sense of the source of the sound. Even at night, he does not stop sleeping and always maintains a high level of vigilance.

Dogs have a relatively weak sense of taste. As the saying goes, "A dog doesn't care if the family is poor." To a certain extent, dogs are better to feed, they are not picky eaters, and they will eat whatever is fed to them. Because dogs are loyal, intelligent, and able to serve humans, dogs have become the animals we keep closest to and the most raised.