Do you like this Yorkshire terrier with long flowing hair and great looks? Many people become addicted after raising a Yorkshire terrier. Why are more and more people raising Yorkies? Because these points are so popular! Introduction to the Yorkshire Terrier The Yorkshire Terrier

Do you like this Yorkshire terrier with long hair and super good looks?

Many people become addicted after raising a Yorkshire terrier.

Why are Yorkies more and more people raise them? Because these points are so popular!

Yorkshire Terrier Introduction

Yorkshire Terrier is petite, second only to Chihuahua in size.

Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular breeds in the world and has a history of more than 100 years.

The Yorkshire Terrier is mainly bred as a toy dog ​​and is a very smart companion pet dog.

These five things about Yorkies are so popular

"Good looks and attractiveness when walking"

Yorkies have sweet looks and long flowing hair. Many people are defeated by the cuteness of Yorkies.

When you take your Yorkie out for shopping, it will be attractive on the road.

If you have a Yorkshire terrier around you, when others see it, they can’t help but say, I want to keep one of such a cute dog.

"He is so intimate with you that you can't refuse"

It can be said that Yorkie is like a simple child.

shows affection to everyone, making it impossible for you to refuse.

If you want to raise a clingy dog, you will feel full of love in Yorkshire.

Such a friendly dog ​​is so popular!

"The coquettish maniac, I will catch you"

Yorkie is not only affectionate, but also a coquettish maniac.

As long as you raise a Yorkie, you will find that it will hold you tightly when it acts like a baby.

Even if you are a cold iceberg, you will be melted by it in an instant.

"Suitable for families, no need to spend time taking care of"

Yorkies are petite, second only to Chihuahuas in size.

And they don’t exercise much, so they are very suitable for keeping at home.

If you don’t have time to walk your dog outside.

You can also play and interact at home as exercise.

When playing and interacting, you can feed some small snacks such as chicken jerky.

It can not only enhance feelings, but also grind teeth clean teeth.

Although Yorkshire terriers are very cute, if you want to raise one, it is best to accept its shortcomings

① Yorkshire terriers have a stubborn personality and poor learning ability

Yorkshire terriers are ranked 27th in the dog IQ rankings. medium.

But it has a stubborn personality and usually has to repeat it several times when learning new skills.

② The Yorkie’s hair is very long, which is troublesome to take care of.

The most prominent feature of the Yorkie is its long, elegant and smooth hair.

But its hair is too long and it is troublesome to take care of it, and it is easy to get tangled.

requires pet owners to spend a lot of time taking care of it.

In addition to grooming and trimming it.

wants Yorkie’s hair to be smoother and more beautiful.

You can feed it dog food which has a hair-beautifying effect.

is also good for its hair management. For

, please refer to these types!

Conclusion: Do you like raising Yorkies?