Many parents don’t know what duck meat and pear dog food means? What dogs is it suitable for?

Many parents don’t know what duck meat and pear dog food means? What dogs is it suitable for? Today I will tell you about duck meat and pear dog food which dogs are suitable for eating

dogs prone to allergies

Dog food is made of a complex of multiple raw materials. If you don’t know what foods dogs are allergic to, Randomly choosing dog food can easily lead to allergies such as vomiting, diarrhea, foaming at the mouth, etc.

For this type of dog, owners should avoid multi-meat dog food and try to choose a single meat source. , Feed dog food with clear meat, such as duck meat, which is a good choice.

Constipated dogs

Constipation in dogs is usually caused by a lack of fiber in the intestines. At this time, it is necessary to minimize the intake of large fish, meat and animal liver, and it should be appropriate. Add some bananas, apples, pears and other fruits. The fiber in them can help dogs defecate and reduce constipation problems.

At the same time, you should urge your dog to drink water and choose a dog food containing fruits and vegetables.

Dogs that get angry

In summer, the weather is dry and the temperature is very hot. If the water in the dog's body is lost too quickly, it is easy to get angry. !

Therefore, when choosing dog food, it is best to feed duck meat and pear dog food, because duck meat is a cold food and has the effects of disinfecting heat, relieving dysentery, nourishing the stomach and kidneys, and pears are cool fruits. , has the effects of promoting body fluids, moistening dryness, clearing away heat and resolving phlegm.

Dogs with a lot of eye droppings

When dogs are seriously angry, they will breed a lot of eye droppings. At this time, we need to reduce the intake of salt and oil, especially some snacks with a lot of preservatives added. These snacks are the "eye droppings" of dogs. The culprit is "

For dogs with a lot of eye feces, it is best for the owner to spend some time every day to help the dog wipe the corners of the eyes with saline, adjust the diet, and let them eat some healthier things as much as possible

Dogs with tear stains

Dogs' daily life Excessive salt intake in the dog's diet will stimulate the tear glands and cause serious tear stains. If your dog's tear stains persist, you must consider dietary issues. It is best to choose a light and low-salt dog food that reduces fire.

The duck and pear dog food on the market is launched to deal with the tear stain problem of dogs. The raw materials usually use cooling ingredients, such as duck, pear, purple sweet potato, wild chrysanthemum , plantain, etc., which contain these Dog food with ingredients can reduce the dog's anger and relieve the tear stain problem from the aspect of diet.

So the editor found this "Love Duck Meat and Pear Dog Food" for everyone. This dog food is paired with 4 kinds of fire-reducing ingredients, namely duck meat, dried pears, wild chrysanthemums, and plantain

Among them The proportion of duck meat is as high as 53%, which nourishes the stomach, clears away heat and reduces inflammation. The overall salt content is only 0.55%. The formula is relatively refreshing. It can effectively help dogs manage tear stains in their diet. I highly recommend it to everyone!

Conclusion: Is your dog getting angry? What dog food do you eat now?

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