Dogs and humans do not have the same language, but dogs are very spiritual animals. They can understand what their owners are saying and use some behaviors to tell their owners what they want to say. Unfortunately, many owners have kept dogs for a long time, but they still don’t

Dogs and humans do not have the same language, but dogs are very spiritual animals. They can understand what their owners are saying and use some behaviors to tell their owners what they want to say. Unfortunately, many owners have kept dogs for a long time, but they still can’t I don’t understand the meaning of certain actions of the dog.

Today, we will "reveal" the meanings of these dog behaviors. Owners should quickly write them down!

1. A dog tucks its tail

Many people know that a dog wagging its tail means it is happy, but do you know what it means when a dog tucks its tail? In fact, when a dog tucks its tail, it means it is afraid or frightened, and there may be something threatening it around.

It may also be that the dog has just changed to a new environment and the dog does not feel safe. This requires the dog owner to appease the dog's mood and make it relax.

2. Looking at you with its head tilted

Sometimes you will see dogs tilting their heads and looking at you, which is very cute. In fact, this action of the dog also has meaning. It is adjusting the position of its ears to hear what you are saying more clearly.

Especially when the dog is young, it is getting familiar with its owner and will often tilt its head to listen to the owner. Slowly, it will understand the owner better and tilt its head less often to listen.

3. Rolling on the ground right after taking a bath

Many owners will find that their dogs roll all over the floor as soon as they get out of the bathroom and make themselves dirty again. In fact, dogs do this because they feel they smell too good. It’s a dog’s nature to rub the smell off its body.

Because dogs used to live in the wild, they would worry about the smell of their bodies being exposed and attracting natural enemies. If there is a very fragrant shower gel smell on your body, the dog will want to rub it off to avoid the target being too obvious and exposing itself.

4. Chasing and biting the tail

Dogs sometimes chase and bite their own tails. It may be because they are idle and bored, or there may be parasites on their tails. When the dog is uncomfortable and the owner cannot distinguish the situation, you can Take a look at the hair on your dog's tail.

If you see red dots or black dots, they are most likely bugs or eggs, and your dog should be dewormed in time.

5. Frequent paw licking

Dogs will lick their paws when they are bored, but usually not very frequently. If you are always licking your paws, it is likely that there is a wound on the paw, or there are parasites biting the dog's skin.

It is necessary to check carefully, apply medicine if there are wounds, and deworm if there are parasites. It is best to put an Elizabethan collar on the dog to prevent it from licking the wounds again.

6. As soon as you go out, it starts barking and destroying the house.

Some dogs will start barking and causing destruction after their owners go out. Owners who don’t understand think that the dogs are naughty, but in fact, dogs behave like this. , it is very likely that there is separation anxiety in and , which is a psychological problem.

Owners should not rush to scold their dogs. They can provide them with some relevant training to cultivate their dogs’ independence, which is more beneficial to their mental health.

7. Licking your mouth

Whenever a dog licks its owner's mouth, many owners will feel disgusted. In fact, this is the dog telling you: I am hungry. When a dog is still with its mother, it uses this method to beg for food. After living with its owner, it will regard the owner as its mother.

So when a dog is hungry, it will lick its owner's mouth and beg for food. The dog owner can prepare some nutritious and delicious food for the dog, especially dog food , so that the dog can eat happily and grow up healthily.

will not expand on this topic here. Interested pet owners can click on the "blue font" below to learn more.

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Conclusion: How many of these 7 behaviors do you understand in and above?

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