When a female cat “gives” her babies to you, first of all, it represents the mother cat’s trust in you. In fact, when a female cat "gives" her baby to you, in addition to trusting you, she also has the following meanings: 1. Let you help raise the baby.

A cat owner complained to the editor that after the mother cat gave birth some time ago, she brought the cubs to her bed or in front of her every day. Why did the mother cat do this?

When a female cat “gives” her baby to you, first of all, it represents the mother cat’s trust in you. It is willing to let you touch its baby, which means that the mother cat knows that you are not a bad person and will not hurt it, so you can have fun!

In fact, when a female cat "gives" her baby to you, in addition to trusting you, it also means the following:

1, letting you help bring up the baby

A female cat gives birth to many kittens in one litter, which consumes a lot of energy. If she does not have the energy to take care of the baby, When the baby comes, it will hold the child in front of the shovel. The meaning is very obvious. I hope you can help it take care of the baby. It can't control so much.

Moreover, once the female cat sees the scavenger idle, she will want to be lazy, thinking that the scavenger is comfortable, so why should she work so hard to take care of the child? The unbalanced mother cat will pick up the child. Feed you so you can take a break.

2. Showing off to you that you are a mother

It is a great honor for a female cat to become a cat mother. Some mother cats will come to you with their babies in their mouths. They want to share the joy of motherhood with you, and at the same time they are showing off their babies to you: "Look, I gave birth to so many babies, how amazing it is!"

And female cats are very It is smart, and it also wants to please you, and hopes that you can treat its kitten better, because the owner is responsible for its food and drink.

3. There is a problem with the kittens.

The mother cat can sense which kittens have problems. If the mother cat thinks that she is not capable enough to take care of so many kittens, she will take the child to the shovel and ask you to help. They share some.

The female cat is malnourished and does not have enough milk. She will bring the cubs to her owner, hoping that the owner will help feed them so that the kittens can survive. Or maybe the kitten is sick and I hope the owner can save it.

If the mother cat’s milk is insufficient, pet owners can feed the kitten goat milk powder to supplement nutrition. Goat milk powder is close to breast milk and is easy for kittens to absorb. It can strengthen the cat’s physique and supplement nutrition for the cat.

4. It’s time for the kitten to be weaned.

When the kitten is still young, its teeth have not grown properly. When the kitten drinks milk, the mother cat does not feel anything. However, as the kitten grows up, the kitten’s teeth will become sharper. Drink It will hurt the female cat when breastfeeding. So the mother cat knows that the kittens are going to stop breastfeeding.

The reason why the mother cat brings the kitten to the scrapper is to remind the scrapper that it is time to wean the kitten. They want the cat to find other food for the kitten and stop drinking their own milk.

2-month-old kittens can stop breastfeeding and start to eat other things. Pet owners can try soaking cat food in goat milk powder and feeding it to cats. Kittens at 3 months old can slowly transition to the stage of eating dry food.

When choosing cat food for kittens, be sure to choose one that is nutritious and easy to digest, because kittens have sensitive stomachs.

Conclusion: Has your female cat ever taken a child in her mouth and given it to you?