Many dog ​​owners perform minor surgeries on their dogs, either for their health or their appearance. For example, castrating dogs can reduce the occurrence of reproductive system diseases, which is understandable. But what is more difficult to understand is that nowadays, some p

Many dog ​​owners will perform some minor surgeries on their dogs, either for their health or their appearance. For example, castrating dogs can reduce the occurrence of reproductive system diseases, which is understandable. But what is more difficult to understand is that nowadays, some people have begun to perform operations such as ear cropping and tail docking on dogs.

Recently, a woman in Chengdu, Sichuan saw a message in a pet group, saying that a Doberman had suffered massive bleeding due to ear and tail docking operations. Its life was in danger and it needed a blood transfusion. When the woman saw it, she didn't think much about it. She took her golden retriever and drove 50 kilometers to get there. After donating blood to the Doberman Pinscher, the Doberman Pinscher's condition improved.

So, what is the role of ear cropping and tail docking surgery on dogs? A person familiar with the matter revealed that ear picking is for the purpose of erecting the ears, mainly to prevent the dog’s ears from being too big and thick, which would easily breed bacteria and cause various diseases if they hang down all the time. Tail docking is easier to understand. It is said to prevent the dog's tail from being too long, hanging to the ground, or being stepped on accidentally. Is this really the case with

? It is undeniable that the situation mentioned above may indeed happen, but the probability of it happening is small, and the impact will not be big if it does happen. Otherwise, the previous dogs wouldn’t have to live until surgery came along? In the final analysis, these surgeries are purely to satisfy the selfish desires of some pet owners. To put it more bluntly, they think it looks good like this.

Netizens also commented on this:

"Thank you for the report! Appeal: Do not harm animals, refuse to cut ears and tails, and protect every life. No part of its life should be deprived by humans!"

​ The tail was removed by the shepherd in order to prevent the tail from rubbing on the ground and to facilitate the management of the sheep. Today's dogs don't go to herd sheep anymore, so why cut off their tails?

" Golden Retriever also has big ears that are stuck down? It is easy to breed bacteria and so on. Just wipe them more and it won't be cured. And my two dogs both have big ears stuck down. It really doesn't breed anything."

​ What do you think?