In June of this year, Mr. Li from Nanyang, Henan, suddenly discovered that his dog at home was acting abnormally. One of its hind legs always dared not touch the ground and was limping when walking. He was particularly worried that the patella was misaligned, so he quickly took t

What the shit shovel officer is most worried about is that his pet is sick.

In June of this year, Mr. Li from Nanyang, Henan suddenly discovered that his dog was abnormal. One of its hind legs always dared not touch the ground, and it was still lame when walking. He was particularly worried that the patella was misaligned, so he quickly took the dog with him. My son went to the pet hospital.

But as soon as he arrived at the hospital, the dog’s legs healed immediately, and he even peed in the pet hospital on the spot.

Isn’t this looking for a fight?

Just when the owner's anger was about to boil over, the doctor discovered that something was wrong. The color of a healthy dog's urine should be transparent and light yellow, but this dog's urine was like strong tea!

The doctor had a bad premonition. It was probably suffering from pyroplasmosis!

This is a very serious disease in dogs. It is relatively common in Henan. Once a dog becomes sick, it will develop symptoms such as high fever and anemia. If it is not treated in time, it may lead to death.

This makes people marvel at the dog’s IQ!

After knowing that he was sick, he chose to pretend to be lame and deceive his owner into taking him to the hospital. After arriving at the hospital, he peed randomly to attract the doctor's attention...

Fortunately, he was discovered early and it was not too late.

However, when the doctor inserted the needle, the dog almost died on the spot!

suffered from vomiting and diarrhea, and did not want to eat or drink. The dog was so weak that it was on the verge of death. The owner was standing by and felt very distressed!

The owner left the pet hospital with his dog, and then asked his friends to seek medical treatment, and finally found a well-known local pet doctor - Dr. Zhang.

Doctor Zhang immediately understood the dog's condition when he saw it. Seeing its weak state, he immediately took first aid measures. Then, a blood transfusion needle was inserted into the dog's little arm.

It blinked its eyes and seemed to know that it was saved.

The disease came like a mountain, and the dog lost a lot of weight visibly.

My appetite is not particularly good, but I can still manage to eat something.

The owner brought a big chicken drumstick and was so greedy for it that he didn’t even bother to look at it.

Gouzi: "Come on, I didn't know sick dogs can't eat greasy food!"

Then... after days of treatment, Gouzi's body gradually recovered and finally returned to normal.

once again lived a chic life.

was also a blessing in disguise. After suffering from this disease, his family status increased significantly and he was favored by thousands of people.

The owner was also very happy. In his words, "It felt like something was lost and found again~"

He immediately decided to send a banner to the doctor in the name of the dog to express his recognition of the doctor's medical skills.

"The miracle doctor came back to save my dog's life" - Wangzi is a gift!

Doctor: "Thank you so much!"

met such a happy owner, and the comment section also burst into laughter.

However, laughter returns to laughter and troubles return to troubles.

Many netizens are more concerned about how dogs get sick? !

The reason behind this deserves the vigilance of all us pet owners! ! !

According to the owner of Wangzi, his dog was bitten by a tick by mistake while playing outside, which later caused pyrozoonosis.

Many external anthelmintic drugs cannot fundamentally prevent . Once infected by a tick bite, it will be very serious, equivalent to human sepsis, and must be treated with timely blood transfusion.

In summer, ticks are more common, so pet owners should pay more attention to them and never go to deep mountains, jungles and other insect-dense areas!

If your dog has white gums and white tongue.

suddenly became inactive, lost appetite, and his urine looked like strong tea.

Once you find that your dog has the above symptoms, it is basically 95% likely to be pyroplasmosis. You must send it to the doctor as soon as possible. The sooner the dog is treated, the better!

Please forward this article to make more people alert, and maybe we can avoid a tragedy!

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