I believe many cat scavengers are familiar with this phenomenon. It refers to the cat’s two front paws stepping up and down regularly on a soft and warm object. The body, sofa, blanket, etc. are all perfect places for cats to step on milk. Novice poop scoopers may have questions

Cat Breast stepping I believe many poop scoopers are familiar with it. It refers to the cat’s two front paws stepping up and down regularly on a soft and warm object. The body, sofa, blanket, etc. are all perfect places for cats to step on milk.

Novice poop collectors may have questions about this, why are cats so keen on this behavior? This is a long story. Today I will take you through some of the main reasons why cats step on milk! I believe it will answer your questions.

Out of instinct

Stepping on milk is actually the instinct of cats since childhood. When cats are still young and need to be fed by their mother, in order to better absorb milk and supplement nutrients, they will step on the milk to promote milk secretion. After growing up, cats still retain this instinct and will step on milk from time to time.

Marking territory

Sometimes, stepping on breasts is also a way to mark territory. Felines have the habit of marking their territory, and cats are no exception. There are many glands on their paw pads. When they step on milk, they emit their own scent, which is used to mark this area and warn other animals not to approach.

A happy mood

When a cat steps on the milk, it will have a sense of happiness and security at the mother cat's side. Therefore, at this time, its mood will also become happy and relaxed, and it will purr when it feels comfortable. If the scavenger finds that the cat is stepping on the milk, it is best not to interrupt it, as this may cause the cat to be angry or dissatisfied.

When a cat steps on its breasts, just treat it with a normal attitude. You can give it some petting to increase its sense of satisfaction, and the cat will like you more. In addition, the cat's nails must be trimmed regularly, otherwise the cat may be accidentally injured by sharp nails when stepping on the milk.

If you have unweaned kittens at home, it is most normal for them to step on their milk, so you don’t need to worry. If the kitten has vomiting symptoms, it may be caused by indigestion. You can feed it some Pointe probiotics to help with recovery.