Many people say that dogs are loyal, obey their owners, and will never betray their owners. But in fact, not all dogs are like this. The following five types of dogs can easily betray their owners and have no loyalty at all. Only those who have raised them will understand! 1. Hus

Many people say that dogs are loyal, obey their owners, and will never betray their owners. But in fact, not all dogs are like this. The following five types of dogs can easily betray their owners and have no loyalty at all. Only those who have raised them will understand!

1, Husky. Huskies are truly unpredictable dogs and often do unexpected things. This is also a dog with no loyalty at all. Huskies are known as "let go". As soon as they get outside, they run around very excitedly and forget about their owners. Moreover, even though they are stupid, they often dislike and look down on their owners.

When a Husky has a whim, or if you do something that displeases it, it can betray you at any time.

Feeding Note: Husky is too energetic and often breaks down the house. The main pet should take it out for more exercise to consume its energy. Also, Huskies have a "glass stomach". Pet owners should pay more attention to their diet and be sure to keep it light.

2, Shiba Inu . Shiba Inu are very stubborn dogs. They have their own ideas and are not willing to be manipulated by others, so they are not willing to be loyal to anyone. After all, this will make it lose its freedom. Therefore, this is also a dog that is particularly easy to betray its owner. Only those who have raised it Talent understands.

Breeding suggestions: The Shiba Inu has a bohemian heart and loves freedom. It is the kind of dog that is difficult to take home when you take it out. Therefore, if you want to raise a Shiba Inu, it is recommended that you practice your arm strength first, otherwise you really won’t be able to bring it home. Shiba Inu pulled home.

3, Teddy dog ​​. This is a very clingy dog, but it is very jealous and very vindictive. If the owner ignores it for a long time, it will retaliate against the owner. It is also very mean-spirited, very rebellious and not well-behaved at all. , is also a dog with no loyalty at all.

Breeding suggestions: Due to genetic reasons, the hair of Teddy dogs is particularly easy to fade. When the hair becomes lighter, the appearance of Teddy will drop a lot. Therefore, we must pay attention to the hair care of Teddy dogs. It is recommended to feed it more egg yolks, carrots, lecithin, etc. The staple dog food should also choose one with hair-beautifying ingredients. In addition, let it be exposed to the sun more sun.

4, border collie . This is the smartest dog in the dog world. It is very thoughtful and has its own ideas. It does not listen to its owner in everything, so its loyalty is not very high. And because he is so smart, he always weighs the pros and cons of anything he does, and he will never do anything that is not good for him. Therefore, if its owner is in danger, it may stand aside or even run away. Therefore, Border Collie is also one of the dogs most likely to betray its owner.

Feeding suggestions: Border Collie is very smart, so it is not difficult to train it. It can learn many skills as long as you teach it a few times, which is very worry-free.

5, golden retriever . This kind of dog has a very docile personality and is one of the three non-aggressive dog breeds. They are really warm-hearted and willing to get close to their owners and strangers. In addition, they are very greedy, so others can abduct them with just a little snack. Golden retrievers can recognize many owners in their lifetime, and they are not loyal at all.

Breeding suggestions: Golden Retrievers are long-haired dogs, and their hair loss is particularly serious. Pet owners should help them take care of their hair, and pay attention to light nutrition in their diet. It is recommended to choose dog food with low salt and high meat content as the main food. .

Conclusion: Do you think your dog is loyal to you?

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