Why is Schnauzer’s abandonment rate so high? It turns out that it’s because of these five things that people dislike it, which really makes me feel a little sad. I started raising a Schnauzer because of its appearance. I thought it was special and cute. Then I gradually started t

Schnauzer Everyone should be familiar with such cute and stylish puppies, but why do some people still don’t want them? Why is Schnauzer’s abandonment rate so high? It turns out that it’s because of these five things that people dislike it, which really makes me feel a little sad.

1. There are many dog ​​breeds to choose from, and we like the new and dislike the old.

I started raising Schnauzers because of its appearance. I thought it was special and cute. Then I gradually fell in love with other dog breeds and found them even cuter. I liked the new and disliked the old, and wanted to get a new dog. I have a dog, but I don’t want to keep so many. If I give it away and no one wants it, I might have the idea of ​​abandoning it. I really feel sorry for this Schnauzer.

2, has a short temper and loves to cause trouble.

Why the Schnauzer has a high abandonment rate? In fact, it is related to its short temper and love to cause trouble. Most people like a well-behaved and obedient dog, but the Schnauzer sometimes has a bad temper. Easily have the urge to fight. If you take it out for a walk, it may see other dogs and want to go up and punch them, which is a bit annoying.

3. Being pampered too much and not listening to commands

When many people first start raising a dog, they will pamper it regardless of anything. As a result, the Schnauzer later becomes lawless, pampered too much, and does not listen to commands, and then The owner wonders why this dog is so disobedient? Attributing all the reasons to the Schnauzer being disobedient and too presumptuous is actually the result of the owner not educating him well in many cases, and the Schnauzer directly takes the blame.

4. Schnauzers like to bark and are often complained about.

Schnauzers are actually very loyal and vigilant puppies. Their hostility towards strangers is obvious. If someone comes even slightly close, they will roar to alert their owners. However, This often frightens the neighbor's children, or affects the rest of the people around them, and they are often complained. Therefore, this is one of the reasons why the Schnauzer abandonment rate is high.

5. The hair of Schnauzers is difficult to manage and is troublesome.

The hair of Schnauzers is neither very long nor short. Their facial hair often needs to be trimmed, even if it is not for appearance, but also to avoid pricking the dog. Some owners may find it annoying to take care of a dog's eyes or dirty its chin from eating, and they no longer want to keep it.

Do you know what a Schnauzer would go through if it wandered?

▲If a Schnauzer wanders, it actually won’t survive long, because they face many difficulties, such as some wind and rain. Although they are in good health, if they are outdoors without anyone to take care of them, it is actually very difficult. Those who are prone to illness and do not receive medical treatment will soon end up in a dead end.

▲Although Schnauzers once existed as working dogs, they have gradually become family dogs and have long lost the ability to hunt prey. If it wanders, it may starve to death because it cannot find food, or it may Being bullied by other stray dogs.

▲ Wandering Schnauzers, if left unattended, may be paired up at will, resulting in many second-generation strays, increasing pressure on society and causing many problems you cannot imagine.

If you don’t want to keep a Schnauzer because it is disobedient, then you need to do more homework and learn how to train a dog correctly. Any dog, not just Schnauzers, can be trained as long as they are well educated. Good dogs, there are no bad dogs, only poorly trained dogs. When training, it is recommended to adopt a reward and punishment mechanism with clear rewards and punishments, so that the dog will be more obedient to you and recognize your education.

Conclusion: Have you ever raised a Schnauzer? What do you think of it?