Many people like to raise cats, but did you know that not all cats can be raised casually? Let me tell you a secret today: when raising a cat, never raise a black cat!

Many people like to raise cats, but did you know that not all cats can be raised casually? Let me tell you a secret today, if you raise a cat, never raise a black cat!

1. Many people take pictures of cats when they have cats, but taking pictures of black cats is a disaster because it is really difficult to take good pictures.

Every time he takes a picture of a black cat, the pet owner always picks up the phone with the mentality of "ah ah ah ah, my cat is so cute, the cutest in the universe! I want to take a picture." After failing to focus for N times, It ended in the mood of "Forget it, stop shooting, just destroy it."

2. In fact, many people are not willing to accept raising black cats, especially the older generation, because there are too many legends about black cats.

In Japan, if you see a black cat when you go out, you will be unlucky on this day; it is also said that black cats are the guardians of the gates of hell, so the souls of the dead will tremble when they see black cats; black cats... there are too many legends, which leads to raising There are fewer people with black cats.

3. If you raise a black cat, you are about to get the ultimate game of hide-and-seek with the black cat. Sometimes, this game is not that the black cat wants to play, but that the pet owner himself is too stupid.

A black cat can easily disguise itself in every corner of the house. Every time you look for it, the black cat may be looking around at you like a silly child looking for it...

4. Raising a cat , why not raise a black cat? In fact, it is also related to the number of black cats. Pure black cats of general breeds are rare, such as British short , American short , etc. Among local cats, black cats are also rare, and most of them are Orange cat , Sanhua, etc.

Therefore, the number of black cats is rare, and because things are rare, the price is relatively high. If you have the money, it is better to buy other cats, so it is better not to keep black cats.

5. Black cats are more curious than other cats, and because they can be "invisible", you often don't know when they get on the table or sofa.

When it sees something that interests it, it may take a photo with one paw, but you can't find it at all, so don't keep a black cat. If you raise it, you need to strengthen training to make it obedient. It is best to pair it with snacks during training.

6. Black cats, like other cats, also shed hair, and because the hair is black, it is obvious that this makes many pet owners feel overwhelmed. After all, their favorite shoes and clothes have "clearly visible" hair. .

However, this situation can be alleviated. Groom the black cat every day and pay attention to a balanced diet. When the black cat is well-nourished, it will naturally shed less hair, so try to choose cat food with a balance of meat and vegetables.

Conclusion: Do you like black cats?