1. Heart disease cannot be cured, but can only be controlled. You cannot stop taking medicines such as pimobendan and Feixinkang, otherwise you will get sick or even suffer from sudden death. 2. Heart disease will definitely affect life span. If you take good care of it, you will

1. Heart disease cannot be cured, but can only be controlled. Pimobendan , Feixinkang cannot be stopped after taking these medicines, otherwise it will cause illness or even sudden death.

2. Heart disease will definitely affect life span. If you take good care of it, you will slowly develop into heart failure and die. If you don't take good care of it, you will soon pulmonary edema and die of suffocation.

3. Don’t let it run or jump in excitement, it must rest, and don’t take it to noisy places.

4. Try to avoid contact with other dogs, as it is easy to get excited and get sick.

5. If your dog has difficulty breathing, you can make your own oxygen box, buy an oxygen machine, and surround it with a cardboard box. If your dog feels uncomfortable, put it in for half an hour.

6. In the early stage, don’t rush to take Pimoxanthin. Use Coenzyme Q10 and Huanxinyimeng Beef Tablets to maintain your health. After B2, add Pimox and Feixinkang.

7. No High blood pressure No need to eat f5.

8. If your dog has ascites, or has severe coughing and asthma, adding diuresis can reduce the pressure on the heart and help relieve it.

9. Dogs with heart disease cannot eat salt and cannot have babies. It is also best not to be neutered, as there are risks.

10. If your dog has heart disease, it is best to go to several hospitals. After all, there are not many professional pet hospitals.

11. Taking medicine for heart disease is definitely very expensive. The owner should be prepared. If the economy is not good, he can buy medicine online himself. Just don’t abandon it because of illness.

12. Hold him up and down the stairs, don't make him excited, don't run, just take a simple walk at ordinary times, not too long.

13. Let’s not talk about eating dog food. If you are eating human food, there should be no salt in the food, which will increase the burden on the heart.

14. If you eat less meat, your heart will become enlarged (heart hypertrophy).

15. Eat less chicken liver, pork liver and other such foods, which will put a great burden on your heart.