According to a report on the website of the British magazine Nature on June 29, Thai scientists reported the first conclusive evidence that a tabby cat "sneeze" transmitted the new coronavirus to a veterinarian, so that cats are also included in the list of animals that can trans

According to a report on the British "Nature" magazine website on June 29, Thai scientists reported the first conclusive evidence that a tabby cat "sneeze" transmitted the new coronavirus to a veterinarian, so that felines are also included in the list of capable cats. There is a list of animals that have transmitted the coronavirus to humans, but researchers say this case of cat-to-human transmission is likely to be rare. The study was published in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases.

pet cat (data map) Source: Their cat was sent to a pet hospital for quarantine. A veterinarian was taking a sample from a cat when the cat sneezed into the veterinarian's face. The veterinarian was wearing a mask and gloves, but not goggles. About three days after sampling the cat, the veterinarian developed symptoms such as coughing and runny nose, and tested positive for the new coronavirus, and the cat subsequently tested positive. None of the veterinarian's close contacts contracted COVID-19, suggesting that the cat passed it to him. Moreover, the test results confirmed that the genome of the new coronavirus infected by veterinarians is the same as that infected by cats.

Researchers say cases of cat-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus may be rare. Studies have shown that cats infected with the new coronavirus do not secrete much virus, but only secrete it for a few days. Animals have not yet played an important role in the spread of the new coronavirus, and "human beings clearly remain the main source of transmission of the virus."

It is not only cats that can be infected with new crown . Previously, foreign medical researchers conducted nucleic acid tests on animals and detected new coronavirus in 29 kinds of animals. These 29 kinds of animals include hamsters, bears, tigers, and gorillas. wait.

A Siberian tiger at the Columbus Zoo in Ohio, USA died of COVID-19. Source: Columbus Zoo

A tiger at the Columbus Zoo in Ohio, USA, recently died of infection with COVID-19. The zoo issued a statement on social media saying that the 14-year-old Siberian tiger, named Jupiter, suffered from long-term underlying diseases. He developed symptoms of COVID-19 in early June, and then his activity dropped sharply and he was unwilling to eat. Although his condition was stable after treatment, Jupiter eventually passed away on the 26th.

As the number of animals affected by the new coronavirus increases, the Indian Express reported on June 11 that the Indian Ministry of Agriculture released the country's first new coronavirus vaccine "Anco⁃vax" for animals. Previously, Russia also developed a new coronavirus vaccine for cats, dogs, minks and other animals.

source | Comprehensive Science and Technology Daily, China Daily, Global Times, etc.

editor | Leng Shuang