No dynasty knew beauty better than the Song people, and no one knew life better than the Song people. "Menghualu" reproduces the elegant customs and folk customs of the Song Dynasty 1,000 years ago.

Throughout June, whether you have watched " Menghualu " or not, there must be "recorders" around you.

How many people fell into the pit at first with the hope of "Guan Pan Shenghui", but in the end they fell into the market fireworks of the Song Dynasty again and again!

No one in the dynasty knew beauty better than the Song people, and no one knew life better than the Song people.

No one knew life better than the Song people.

"Menghualu" reproduces the elegant customs and folk customs of the Song Dynasty 1,000 years ago. Cuju , asking for calls, hooking up bars, ordering tea... The city is full of fireworks, the world is prosperous, what a rich and charming Tokyo, what a picture of the prosperous Great Song city, I didn't expect that the Song Dynasty was so trendy!

While watching the drama, the sharp-eyed little pet discovered that dogs appeared three times in the whole drama "Meng Hua Lu".

According to historical records, the history of Chinese people using cats and dogs as companion pets should be no later than the Tang Dynasty. By the Song Dynasty, the beloved "cats" and "dogs" had already flown into the homes of ordinary people. The poop shovelers of the Song Dynasty 1,000 years ago loved furry children as much as we do now!

Do you know,

How much silver did it cost to keep a pet in the Song Dynasty?

What preparations do you need to make to raise a cat in the Song Dynasty?

Why did people in the Song Dynasty call buying cats not called buying cats, but called hiring cats?

Who is the person known as the “No. 1 Cat Slave of the Song Dynasty”?

Today, Little Pet will dream back to the Song Dynasty with you, and together we will restore the real "tide" of pet-raising in the Song Dynasty -

Pet-raising in the Song Dynasty - the beginning of the pet economy

"Menghualu" was perfectly reproduced in the Flower Moon Banquet " Pictures of Ladies with Hairpins " of the Tang Dynasty. In the original painting, a lady holds a whisk in hand and plays with a dog with her friends. This lively and cute Fulin dog was imported from Gaochang in the Western Regions in the early Tang Dynasty. It was also known as the wōzi. It is called the standard of Bai Fumei in Beijing circle.

"Pictures of Ladies with Hairpins" of the Tang Dynasty

By the Song Dynasty, the economy was unprecedentedly prosperous, and keeping pet dogs was no longer exclusive to the upper class. This was an era when almost everyone kept pets.

"Tokyo Menghua Record" records: In order to meet the huge demand for pet trading and breeding at that time, "Menghua" appeared in the Daxiangguo Temple in Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty.——

Record" The male protagonist invites the female protagonist to Daxiangguo Temple for a date and play

" Wanxing trading is open five times a month, The three doors are full of birds, cats, dogs, rare birds and animals, everything."

There are also cat and dog food for sale on the market: "If you raise a dog, you will get rice bran; if you raise a cat, you will get fish and loach; if you raise fish, you will get shrimps." "" records that at this time there were pet peripherals and pet services, including "cat nests, cat fish, and cats for sale." specifically mentioned a profession "cat and dog modification", is probably similar to today's pet grooming and plastic surgery.

Some beauty lovers will use impatiens juice to dye cats and dogs: "Nowadays, women like this very much, and they may dye their hands with cats and dogs as a show."Does it look like you dressing up your furry child today?

▲Northern Song Dynasty Wang Juzheng spinning wheel picture Palace Museum

The Song Dynasty kept pets - the city was full of "shovel officers"

People in the Song Dynasty raised dogs mainly for "keeping police and thieves" or for hunting. In the 4th episode of "Menghualu", the tall, thin, smart and alert dog that appeared when chasing Gu Qianfan was my country's ancient native dog breed - Chinese Thin Dog.

specifically mentioned thin dogs in " Document Comprehensive Examination ", "Song Taizu... began to hunt in the suburbs, first leaving the forbidden army as a paddock. The five parties used birds of prey and fine dogs to leave the city", describing the Song Dynasty In the early days of Song Taizu's field hunting scene, he brought raptors and small dogs for hunting. It can be seen that at this time, large dogs still had the main hunting function.

The pet-raising environment in the Song Dynasty was also more open. It is said that during the Xining period of Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty, Su Dongpo found dog meat at a government reception, and started a fierce debate with local officials. A real dog lover! Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty even issued a ban on killing dogs among the people. and appoint an official to be responsible for enforcing the ban on killing.

Not only emperors and scholar-bureaucrats, but also common people raising dogs has become a common practice. Zhao Wannian recorded in "Records of Xiangyang City Guards": "The dogs raised by each family were organized into groups of hundreds and thousands of dogs outside the city. Whenever troops were sent out at night to attack the camp of the captives, the dogs would fight and bark. ” It can be seen that people in the Song Dynasty kept many dogs.

In "Meng Hua Lu", Gu Qianfan gave a dog to Pan'er to relieve his boredom.

According to " Yijian Zhi", there was a man named Yuan Qi who raised a dog and named it Yin Hoe. It was very cute. One day the dog was suddenly lost, and the owner posted a notice offering a reward to find the dog. This may be the earliest revelation of dog hunting.

The half-covered watchdog in the play "Meng Hua Lu"

Song Chao raised pets - he was not a good official if he did not write poems and paintings for his master

How much people in the Song Dynasty loved cats and dogs can also be glimpsed from the literary works passed down by later generations. Second, if you love it, should draw it, write it, and dazzle it.

It is worth mentioning that dogs as a specialized painting subject first appeared in the "Birds and Beasts" category of "Xuanhe Painting Book" of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Southern Song Dynasty Mao Yi "Hemerocallis Playing with Dogs"

There were countless paintings of pets during this period. Among the famous "Hemerocallis Playing with Dogs", "Autumn Garden Milk Dogs", and "Okra Dogs and Butterflies", All of them use dogs as the protagonists, and each painting carefully outlines the various cuteness of the dog.

At this time, there were also many painters who specialized in painting cats and dogs. According to the "Xuanhe Painting Book", Li Aizhi "especially likes to paint cats" and "is especially good at painting cats"; He Zunshi "works with flowers and rocks, especially painting cats" specialized".

Picture | Song Dynasty tabby cat

And there are many poems and articles that use pets as images or description objects. Nowadays, we can also find traces of pet cats and dogs in the poetry of the Song Dynasty, and we can imagine the warmth and comfort of the ancients when they got along with their pets:

Fan Chengda "Three Poems on Spring":

Yaolan Hua Nuan Xiao Mian,

The snow is white, the clouds are clear, the water is clear, and the sky is blue.

| The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and the puppy falls asleep comfortably against the railing.

Lu You "Book Sigh":

"Yi Zi knows how to welcome outsiders,

Li Nu knows how to protect the books in the desk.

| The puppy knows how to welcome the guests outside the door, and the kitten knows how to protect the books (from mice) nibbling).

Song Bai's "Gong Ci":

The puppy sleeps under the bead curtain during the day,

The red banana is next to the banana.

| The puppy fell asleep under the bead curtain during the day. 4

Song Chao raising pets— - China's first cat slave era

Some scholars commented that the Song Dynasty was the first period of rise of "cat's mental influence" In the Song Dynasty, cats were eliminated from the stigma of "catching mice in the fields". "To fill one's belly", he suddenly became the master of "Sleeping Beauty eats fish and meat in his arms".

At that time, many people in the Song Dynasty were enthusiastic about pet cats, and many people began to steal cats and even fake them in order to make profits. "Yi" "Jianzhi" records that a "dry red cat" is very valuable and a rare commodity. In order to get a high price, some people dyed the white cat and sold it to make a profit.

Some people made a fuss all over the city because of a cat. "Travel Chronicles" records that

Qin Hui's granddaughter had a lion cat that got lost, and Lin'an Prefecture was dispatched to help search for it for half a year. As a result, hundreds of innocent people were imprisoned. Finally, hundreds of people were found. There are other lion cats, but none of them look like his own. Although it can be seen that the Qin family is extremely powerful and uses power for personal gain, the fact that more than a hundred lion cats can be found at once also shows that there were many citizens who raised cats in the Song Dynasty. .

Song Dynasty Mao Yi's "Hollyhocks and Cats"

The elegant people of the Song Dynasty were also serious and enthusiastic about raising pets.

In the Song Dynasty, wanting a cat was very ritualistic. In the Song Dynasty, raising cats was like marrying a wife and having a concubine. A betrothal gift was required, which was commonly known as "hiring a cat".

If the kitten is born from the cat of a relative or friend, you should prepare a "betrothal gift" and come to your home to "betrothal" it back. The "bride gift" is usually a bag of brown sugar or a bag of salt. Salt was very precious in the old days. Trading salt for cats was a very serious attitude.

If the kitten is born to a wild cat, the small fish will be strung together and given to the wild cat to express gratitude. This picture is so cute!

After paying the betrothal gift, you still need to sign a "contract" with the cat - the "Cat Contract", which requires the scavenger to be responsible for the cat and the cat to work well.

Cat Contract Style

Song Chao Pet Raising - The First Cat Slave in the Song Dynasty

Just like contemporary people want cats to relieve stress, since the Song Dynasty, many emotionally depressed literati began to rely on cat sucking for healing and comfort. Song Renzong's Mei Yaochen A cat named Wubai died in his family. He was very sad. He not only wrote poems to express his condolences, but also held a water burial -

There is a Wubai cat in the family, and mice will not invade my book.

At present, five white people die, and sacrifices are made with rice and fish.

To be called the number one cat slave in the Song Dynasty, Lu You, a great writer of the generation, must have a name. Lu You named his cat: "Pink Bi", "Xue'er" and "Less than Tu". He wrote as many as twelve poems about cats:

The cat caught the mouse and wanted to praise this cute and brave little cat. In Tutu (tiger)

, the merits of the mouse hole are listed, but there is no reward for the fish meal.

should still be given a name, called Lesser Tutu.

I couldn't sleep at night, and I had to write a poem even when I looked at the cute little kitten:

No one was in the service to burn incense, but the raccoon slave was willing to accompany me in the meditation room.

We shared the bed to keep it warm while we were sleeping. We sat together at night and heard the symptoms of leaking drums.

Wealthy Hua Li Tu Song Taipei National Palace Museum Collection

On the day when he wrote the famous and passionate poem " I lie down at night listening to the wind and rain, and the iron horse glacier falls into my dream ", Lu You also left behind " Stream" The firewood is soft and the felt is warm, and the cat slave and I will not go out "'s pet cat declaration, a contrasting and adorable image of a cat slave appears on the page.

After he was dismissed from office in his later years, he watched his master suffer with him because of his poor family situation. Lu You wrote a poem to express his guilt -

Wrapped in salt to welcome the little raccoon slave, he protected the mountain house with thousands of books.

I feel ashamed that my family is poor and I have poor policy and merit. I am living in poverty without a blanket and eating without fish.

The main idea of ​​this poem is that my family is too poor to give you felts , nor can I give you fish, so I owe you. No wonder later generations have the nickname "Since ancient times, cat slaves have looked at the Song Dynasty, and cat slaves in the Song Dynasty have looked at Lu You".

Song Su Hanchen's "Winter Infant Play Picture"

Mr. Chen Yinke once said: "The culture of the Chinese nation has evolved over thousands of years and reached its peak in the era of Zhao and Song ."

The literati of the Song Dynasty treated pets love, directly Passed on the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The experience of raising pets also has a full influence on future generations.

After more than a thousand years, pet keeping has become increasingly popular. Looking back at the interesting anecdotes between ancient people and pets will still touch our tender heartstrings inadvertently. Perhaps it is the powerful appeal of the sincere emotions between people that makes us empathize . I hope that humans and animals can coexist, accept and heal each other. This is a positive sign of the progress of social civilization!

The more urbanized human beings are, the further away from nature

, the more important

pets are in human life.


Nobel Prize winner Cielunds