A dog's loyalty to its owner comes from its nature and has been recognized by humans. Why do animals like dogs have the instinct to be loyal to their owners? We see that although there are many animals around humans, only dogs, not any other animals, are obedient to their masters

A dog's loyalty to its owner comes from its nature, which has been recognized by humans. Why do animals like dogs have the instinct to be loyal to their owners? We see that although there are many animals around humans, only dogs, not any other animals, are obedient to their masters and serve their masters for a long time. Following their owners and doing things for them is what all dogs love most. If the owner bullies others out of malice, the dog will be the dog's accomplice in taking advantage of others' power; if the owner has good intentions and upholds justice, the dog will be a good helper for the owner. It can be seen from this aspect that dogs do not have human concepts of right and wrong. Their whole lives are only supported by their masters. There is also a saying that a dog's loyalty to its owner is the most innocent and unconditional. And this is incomparable to other lives.

It can be said that animals like dogs are definitely a gift from God to humans. They were domesticated by humans and have been integrated into human life for thousands of years. With their unique loyalty, they have accompanied humans until today. Now, although they no longer have to look after homes and homes, they still enter human homes to meet human needs. While they release their emotions and love to their owners, they continue to maintain their loyalty and influence their owners with their behaviors, making every dog ​​owner feel like they belong. Therefore, it makes the owner less bored in daily life, and also comforts the owner psychologically. Therefore, the vast majority of owners put their affection on their dogs from the bottom of their hearts and treat them as their own children without any psychological barriers.

This magical and persistent loyalty of dogs to their masters comes from the genes of the wolf's hierarchy, from the absolute loyalty and obedience of individual animals living in groups to their leaders. Although they have been tamed by humans, they have slowly adapted to human life during their daily interactions with humans. They integrate into the human group, remain loyal and dependent on the leader, and treat other family members with docility and kindness. And dogs are naturally intelligent animals. Their loyalty to their owners and friendliness to other people are rewarded with trust and tolerance from humans. They know that this is the only way to survive to ensure a normal life. Otherwise, , animals like dogs are no longer seen today. Thousands of years of history have proven that the relationship between dogs and humans will continue to develop as always without any change.

And we must not forget that dogs know how to repay kindness. They feel the care of their owners. They trust their owners and give everything they have to their owners. They will take what they think is the best and give it to their owners. This is how it is grateful to its master, because it firmly believes that the master is the best person for it. Dogs, on the other hand, are animals with a clear sense of love and hate and hatred of evil. They only have the IQ level of human children, and the expression of their psychological activities is direct and emotional. And its inherent food crisis awareness and food-protecting behavior do not exist in front of the real owner; every time the owner comes home, the dog will greet him with sincerity and sincerity, without exception. The awareness of protecting their owners makes them risk their lives to save their owners when they are in danger.

And dogs are small-minded animals. They usually appear carefree and indifferent, but in fact they have extremely strong self-esteem. They attach great importance to their owners' attitude towards them. They will secretly feel sad because of their owners' inadvertent neglect. They will also feel jealous because their owners care for other lives. But they are highly tolerant of all behaviors of their owners. They can endure beatings and scoldings from their owners, they can give up their awareness of protecting food from their owners, and they can secretly feel sad when they are wronged by their owners. In the eyes of the dog, all the owner's actions are correct and reflect the owner's true intentions, and the dog's sense of loyalty will never do anything against the owner's wishes.

Dogs’ various inherent instincts, such as territorial awareness or food protection awareness, make them naturally wary of all foreign and strange things.These natural consciousnesses are innate and solidified in their genes, and should be difficult to change. Many people have a deep understanding of the behavior of dogs under these consciousnesses, and many people will avoid and stay away from strange dogs. But in real life, there are endless incidents of dogs hurting people. The real reason is that the owners neglect management. But the dog's sense of self-protection all fails in front of the real owner. Many of the dog's taboos are open to the owner. If the owner occasionally does whatever he wants, the dog will treat it with tolerance and tolerance. When it cannot tolerate it, it will also bite as a warning.

Owners all have similar experiences. If they step on a dog's tail without paying attention, the dog will just give up subconsciously in fear, but if it is an outsider, there will be consequences. A dog's tail is extremely fragile and sensitive and cannot be touched by anyone. Therefore, we should not touch its tail easily. When I pulled its tail, my border collie just turned its head and touched my fingers with its teeth to express dissatisfaction. When I deliberately tested its reaction, I once pulled its neck several times. The Bian Collie was really unhappy and a little anxious, but he only used his teeth as a warning. Usually, even if you do anything unfavorable to it, the dog will leave first except to express dissatisfaction or innocence. All this shows that dogs have no choice but to endure the unreasonable behavior of their owners.

Here, we emphasize that dogs that are highly tolerant of their owners have been strictly trained by their owners since childhood. They are highly loyal and trusting to their owners. Such a dog will never go against its owner's wishes. If it is really wronged, it will just endure it. Dogs that have grown up being doted on by their owners have developed arrogant and perverse personalities. They have long been psychologically dislocated and regard themselves as the boss of the family. Such dogs are like uneducated naughty children, acting like they are the boss and me. They are not friendly to all living beings, including their owners. In daily life, even if the owner goes against its wishes, it will treat him with teeth. I hope owners don’t let their dogs grow into vicious dogs to avoid endless trouble!