Giant panda "Xianxian" was born on August 15, 2014 at the Hetaoping Rewilding Training Base in Wolong, Sichuan. She is a female giant panda with pedigree number 935.

Giant panda "Xianxian" was born at the Hetaoping Rewilding Training Base in Wolong, Sichuan on August 15, 2014. She is a female giant panda with pedigree number 935. In September 2019, Xianxian moved into the Giant Panda House of Shijiazhuang Zoo and has been there since She has lived a healthy and happy life in Shijiazhuang for nearly three years. During this period, "Xianxian" brought a lot of joy and surprises to the citizens of Shijiazhuang with her lively, cute and naive image. Her every move affected every fan. heart of.

According to work arrangements, on June 29, 2022, the giant panda "Xianxian" left Shijiazhuang and returned to China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center.

html In the early morning of June 29, Xianxian successfully entered the transport box under the guidance of the breeder's food. Maybe he knew that he was about to leave Shijiazhuang. Xianxian looked a little lonely, and there seemed to be reluctance and nostalgia in his eyes. The keepers prepared bamboo shoots for him to eat on the road and ice cubes for cooling, and then reluctantly sent Xianxian to the transport truck. At 12:20 noon that day, Xianxian left Shijiazhuang on Sichuan Airlines flight 3U6852 and successfully arrived at the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center at 18:30 pm.

Let us jointly recall the happy times that "Xianxian" brought to the citizens of Shijiazhuang, and at the same time wish "Xianxian" a healthy life and happy growth.