When your dog has these behaviors, it means that the dog’s IQ is super high and it is a complete “dog spirit”. Let’s see how many of your dogs win!

When your dog has these behaviors, it means that the dog’s IQ is super high and it is a complete “dog spirit”. Let’s see how many of your dogs win!

one can quickly sense the owner's emotions.

A smart dog has very strong insight, especially its ability to perceive the owner's emotions.

When a dog discovers that its owner is unhappy, it will quickly Respond and comfort the owner.

If there are several little owners in the home, it will also vary from person to person.

Some people are nice to it, and it will act coquettishly when it is unhappy; some people are not nice to it, and it will act coquettishly. I'm very afraid of

. Anyway, dogs will behave in different ways towards different people. There are thousands of faces of dogs!

two If it can’t do anything on its own, it will find ways to get its owner to help.

A smart dog will take the initiative to seek help from its owner when it can’t do something on its own.

It feels that the owner is there for everything. When it comes to things it can’t do anything about, It will signal the owner to help it.

For example, when it is hungry, it may put its bowl in front of the owner

. When it wants to go out to play, it will hold its dog leash to the owner, etc.

three It can imitate various human behaviors

A genius dog with a high IQ, the imitation ability is very strong, it even feels that it is a human

It often sits like its owner, is very fascinated when watching TV, and even learned to pull the door handle Open the door and wait.

A dog with strong imitation ability will generally not have poor learning ability.

The owner does not need to spend a lot of time training, and the dog will be able to learn.

four. Know how to take care of itself.

A smart dog usually is He is very good at taking care of himself. How can the IQ of a dog that can even open the door be so low?

A smart dog also has a sense of time. When it knows it is time to go to bed at night, it will remind its owner that it should go to bed early too.

It also It will not defecate in the place where it sleeps or eats. As long as the owner teaches it, it will remember it.

five It will not eat everything

A smart dog will not eat everything, because it knows that if it eats everything, it may It causes physical problems

It is a good thing for dogs to be curious, but wanting to taste everything is not something that smart dogs can do

Smart dogs have very strong self-control and will be responsible for their own intestines

Many dogs have poor intestinal tracts, so owners usually need to pay attention to their diet in addition to not letting their dogs eat randomly

. It is best to feed them some probiotics , which can protect the intestinal tract of dogs. Food

six When it makes a mistake, it will take the initiative to admit it.

Dogs with high IQs will also make mistakes at ordinary times (any dog ​​will make mistakes). After making a mistake, it will take the initiative to bear the mistake with its owner.

After making a mistake, it will pretend in front of the owner. They look very pitiful, or take the initiative to punish them.

These are common tactics used by dogs with high IQs after making mistakes.

After the dog makes a mistake, it is best for the owner to educate the dog well and let the dog remember not to make the same mistake again next time.

When educating the dog, you can feed the dog some small snacks to make the dog remember it more firmly.

The editor has something to say, does your dog have any of these behaviors with super high IQ?