More and more people are raising dogs now. Dogs are recognized and loved by everyone for their loyalty, sensitivity, and ability to accompany their families. In the past, most people kept pet dogs imported from abroad. But in recent years, Chinese garden dogs in our country have

Nowadays, more and more people are raising dogs . Dogs are recognized and loved by everyone for their loyalty, keenness and ability to accompany their families. In the past, most people kept pet dogs imported from abroad. But in recent years, our country's Chinese Garden Dog has become popular.

The Chinese Pastoral Dog is commonly known as " native dog " . It used to be free-range in rural areas and was not taken seriously. In fact, since the introduction of pet dogs, it has been found that many pet dogs are also foreign "local dogs". Although our native dogs are a bit ugly in appearance, they are much smarter than those "foreign native dogs". They can look after homes and courtyards, catch mice, and are very humane.

Anyone who has raised local dogs knows that our dogs are very dexterous . They will not eat the vegetables picked up by our chopsticks, unless you throw them to the ground, then they will nibble.. And they will not eat the same kind of meat. I once led my dog ​​through a vegetable market, and someone threw a piece of meat to my dog. My dog ​​was very resistant to . Later, people told me that that person specialized in dog meat. .

Many people like to keep dogs since childhood, hoping that they can have a very obedient and capable dog to accompany us. But how to choose a dog? The puppies from the litter are all chubby and fleshy, especially cute. How can I choose a good dog that is smart and capable from that litter of dogs and is suitable for me?

Experienced dog owners all know that it is not easy to choose a good dog. There must be good dogs and bad dogs in a litter. However, if you follow one formula, you can get twice the result with half the effort. This formula is also popular. It has been passed down for many years, and every sentence is the essence of and , and every sentence is the classic of .

1. A pig ends in a dog

In the past, in rural areas, almost every household raised pigs. It was generally believed that among the piglets , the first one born was the best, because the first piglet was the largest. They also have the best physiques and are very edible. Pigs just want them to be delicious, grow meat, and sell them at a good price.

The opposite is true for dogs and pigs. Although the first one born to a dog mother is bigger than , it is also the one with the strongest temper and personality . Often the last one born is the smartest . Choose a dog. You need to choose a dog with a high IQ that is easier to obey and train.

Therefore, when choosing a puppy, you should ask the dog owner clearly which one is and finally gave birth to . These experiences have also been summarized by those who raise pigs and dogs through long-term practical experience since ancient times, and they are also very reasonable.

Of course, choosing a dog should also be based on your preference . If you like a more aggressive dog, choose the first one born. For example, Xichuan’s Internet celebrity police dog Button is the first one born, and it is large. He is strong, but unfortunately one of his front legs is disabled. Because of his fierce temperament, he was sent back to the police force by his previous owner, but this does not hinder his excellence. Through hard work, Button has become the best riot control dog .

2. With the tail to the left, there is no need to lock the door

There is no doubt about the loyalty of dogs to their owners, so dogs are also regarded as the most loyal friends, and people also treat dogs as family members. Dogs have a very strong sense of territory. "I am the master of my territory" and will never allow other people or animals to approach.

But not all dogs have strong territorial awareness. For example, if there is a thief in the house, they will not only not be able to drive away , but they may also play with the thief. But the reason why we keep dogs is to look after our homes and care for our homes. Who would like a dog that doesn't know how to bark when strangers come? !

Anyone who is experienced in picking a dog knows that generally a dog’s tail is rolled up to . If its tail is rolled up and curled to the left, then it should be a good dog. A dog with high alertness will definitely be fine. trust. Even if the door of your home is unlocked, as long as it is watching over , thieves will never dare to come to the door.

Three, one dragon, two tigers, three poor and four rich

The "one, two, three, four" in this sentence refers to the dog's beard. Dogs also have whiskers on their chins, although they are not as obvious as cats.. In fact, if you look closely at the beard on a dog's chin, you will see that each dog has its own and different .

Some dogs have a beard on both sides of their chin. If you meet such a dog, congratulations, it may become the "King of Dogs" . As long as he "gives an order", all the dogs around him will takes orders from . However, dogs with such looks are really rare, and they are not easy to raise.

In the same way, a dog with two beards on both sides of its chin is considered a tiger, is brave and sturdy, , and is also a rare good dog; a dog with three beards on both sides of its chin is considered , an ordinary , and may be characterized by wisdom and bravery. You have to stand aside; it is very common for a dog to have four whiskers on both sides of its chin. This kind of dog is a dog that is very loyal to its owner and family, and is very good at looking after homes and homes.

4. Nine out of ten

Some people may not have noticed that dogs’ tongues are not always very smooth and tender pink. Some dogs will have markings on their tongues. If there are black spots on the tongue, Dogs with stripes will be called " colorful tongue dogs ".

There is also a saying about this kind of dog. They were once selected as hounds because they are good at running and chasing. They will be taken by their owners to hunt to help their owners catch prey . This method of selection is not wrong. Nine out of ten dogs must be good at making hounds and .

In the past, people in mountainous areas were most fond of dogs. They liked to take this kind of dog with a colorful tongue, to look after their homes and courtyards, and to go hunting in the mountains. Usually when someone has a puppy, these hunters will compete for those puppies with colorful tongues.

The above four formulas are also summarized by people when selecting dogs. I remember there is also a very famous book "The Book of Dogs" . These four sentences of dog selection formulas also come from this book. It is also a good idea to choose a dog that is suitable for you according to the description in the book.


Dogs have always been farmers' favorite animals. They can not only help their owners look after homes and hunt. And a dog will not leave you just because you are rich or poor. No matter when, a dog will never leave you. But what it gets is very little, a bowl of leftovers, and is never picky about .

No matter how good the dog is, the owner must train it well. A dog that is not well trained will inevitably become a disaster. Therefore, after you choose your favorite dog, you should not overindulge it. You should educate it well into a good dog that is loved by everyone.