The Fawn Dog comes from Germany and is a mixture of Italian Greyhound and Dachshund genes. Named "fawn dog" because of its slender limbs and deer-like appearance, it is a popular companion and ornamental dog. It’s no wonder that more and more people like them. Many netizens say t


fawn dog comes from Germany and is a mixture of Italian greyhound and dachshund genes. Named "Fawn Dog" because of its slender limbs and appearance resembling a deer, it is a popular companion dog and ornamental dog. It’s no wonder that more and more people like them. Many netizens say they don’t want to change dogs after raising them.

Light body odor

Most dogs have a certain amount of body odor, and the fawn dog is no exception. However, the body odor of the fawn dog is relatively small. As long as you bathe it regularly, it will not smell so bad. Heavy body odor in fawn dogs is usually caused by gastrointestinal problems or skin diseases. It is best to take the dog to the pet hospital for detailed examination and treatment.

High IQ

The Fawn Dog ranks 37th among all dogs, and is considered a relatively smart dog. The Fawn is a small dog with slender limbs and looks very agile. It also learns things quickly and can learn some commands after being taught them several times. However, the Fawn Dog loves to bark and is a bit naughty, so it needs to be patiently trained by the owner.

High Loyalty

The Fawn Dog has hound genes in its body. Because it is very loyal to its owner, it has a very high surrender nature and can respond quickly to the owner's instructions. After the fawn recognizes its owner, once the owner encounters danger, it will rush in front of the owner to protect him. You should not blame the dog too much at ordinary times, otherwise it will hurt the dog's self-esteem.

Very alert

In addition to being a pet dog, the Fawn Dog is also very suitable as a guard dog. It is not only very alert, but also very alert. It will not hesitate to jump out to protect its family from strange things that invade. . Despite its small stature, it has a very strong personality. Once in danger, the fawn dog will rush in front of its owner to protect him.

Precautions for raising a fawn dog:

1. The staple food should be mainly dog ​​food. Feed it with small meals and frequent meals. Do not feed it raw meat and too much salty food.

2. Being out of the sun all year round will cause your dog to suffer from skin diseases, resulting in increased hair loss, which will cause great harm to your dog’s body. Therefore, you should often take your dog out to bask in the sun.

3. Pay attention to the urination of dogs. Once abnormalities are found, identify the cause in time and use targeted medication, such as and Beimikang beef tablets , to help dogs urinate normally.

4. Fawn dogs are relatively clean dogs, so they need to be cleaned regularly for their bodies and mouths, and their hair should be combed frequently to keep their hair soft. At the same time, the kennel should be changed and washed frequently to keep it dry and tidy.