Wireless Shijiazhuang News (All Media Reporter Di Yanping): Chubby, slow, black and white photos, pigeon-toed... We all like the national treasure giant panda and the Winter Olympics mascot panda Bingdundun, but how much do we know about it?

Wireless Shijiazhuang News (All Media Reporter Di Yanping): Chubby, slow-moving, black and white photos, pigeon-toed... We all like the national treasure giant panda, and the Winter Olympics mascot panda Bingdundun, but we hate it. How much do you know? Hebei Museum 2022 "Natural Stories" series of exhibitions, together with Chongqing Natural History Museum , co-sponsored "The Age of Pandas - Revealing the Past and Present Life of Giant Pandas", which will be on display in Halls 13 and 14 of the North District of Hebei Museum from today.

"The Age of Pandas - Revealing the Past and Present Life of Giant Pandas"

Exhibition time: June 30 - October 10, 2022

Exhibition location: Exhibition halls 13 and 14 on the second floor of the North District

Organizer: Hebei Museum Chongqing Nature Museum

The Han Dynasty's " Shen Yi Jing " records: "There is a beast in the south... It is called biting iron." Jin Guo Pu's note on "Erya·Shi Beast" says: "It looks like a bear, with a small head, weak feet, and black and white mottled hair." "It can lick copper, iron and bamboo bones." According to legend, in ancient times, Chi You, the god of war, and his iron-eating beast competed in the Central Plains and fought against the two emperors of Yan and Huang, but were ultimately defeated by Zhuolu. You guessed it right, the iron-eating beast mentioned here is the current national treasure giant panda. It's just that Chi You never expected that the "ferocious beast" that accompanied him on the battlefield would now transform into a peace messenger and become a "cute beast" that conquered the world by being cute.

The only set of plastinated giant panda specimens in the world, "Xin Nier"

The giant panda "Xin Nier" welcomes everyone at the entrance of the exhibition hall

The exhibition focuses on "Giant Panda Story", "Revelation of Giant Pandas", "Giant Panda Evolution" and "Conservation" "Giant Panda" is a narrative clue, telling the story of giant pandas from past and present lives, family genealogy, protection road, international exchanges, etc.

In the exhibition hall, you can see panda fossils, living giant panda specimens and ancient human fossil models at different stages of evolution; three themes of simulated habitat restoration scenes, installation art, etc. create a scientific and artistic atmosphere for the exhibition; " Multimedia games such as "Panda 100 Questions" and "Panda Puzzle" effectively output vivid and easy-to-understand biological knowledge during the entertainment process.

Hermit in the Bamboo Forest

The giant panda brought many "little friends", and the "enemies" also quietly followed...

The "big man" who once coexisted with the giant panda, guess who it is?

Smiling Red Panda

The information conveyed by the precious fossils excavated by archeology is often fragmented, one-sided and incomplete. For those ancient lives that have long since disappeared, they can only be retained in the minds of scientists. Nowadays, the achievements of digital technology in the field of paleontological restoration have blessed the exhibition technology. Ancient pandas 3D printed complete skeletons and ancient panda restoration pictures at different stages of evolution are displayed in the exhibition hall together with fossil exhibits, creating a dialogue between "ancient" and "present". Let these ancient creatures be vividly presented to the public.

3D printed ancient panda skeleton

Are giant pandas bears? Is it a cat?

Why can giant pandas grasp bamboo?

In addition to breast milk, what else do giant panda cubs eat?

When did the giant panda’s “diplomatic journey” begin?

What can we do to protect giant pandas?


Bring your questions and come to the "Panda Era - Revealing the Past and Present Life of Giant Pandas" exhibition halls on the second floor of the North District of Hebei Museum to find answers!