Dogs cannot speak. They often tell their owners through body language. If your dog makes these small movements, it means that they are warning you that there is something abnormal in their body. Don’t be stupid and don’t know!

Dogs cannot speak. They often tell their owners through body language. If your dog makes these small movements, it means that they are warning you that there is something abnormal in their body. Don’t be ignorant!

often hides in corners and does not want to see people

When dogs are healthy, they are actually quite active and will jump around the house. If you suddenly find that they often hide in corners and do not want to see people, it means that they are There may be something abnormal in your dog's body. You need to check your dog's body to see what's going on. If you find that there are no signs of injury, but it still resists being touched by you, I suggest you take it to see a doctor. Bar.

Keep making a crying "whining sound"

When a dog feels uncomfortable, he will actually make a crying sound. If you find that your dog makes such a sound for a long time, is it a warning? , its body is not feeling well, the owner should pay attention and don’t ignore it!

Bumping the head against the wall or holding the head against the wall

Whether it is banging the head against the wall or holding the head against the wall, it is actually a warning signal sent by the dog to you, indicating that it is not feeling well, and there must be something wrong with its head. Yes, it may be a brain disease, so we should pay attention to it.

Repeatedly licking one place

A dog occasionally licks its paws to clean them. If it repeatedly licks one place, there may be something abnormal in its body, or it may have a foreign object stuck in it. , causing the dog to feel pain, or the dog has parasites and it feels very itchy. If you see this situation, you should also pay attention to checking the dog.

Scratching his skin like crazy

It is actually very common for dogs to scratch their skin, but if you find that your dog is scratching his skin like crazy and is still bleeding, it means there is something wrong. It may be because of parasites. The owner It’s best to take a look at your dog to see if it’s been dewormed regularly.

Hopping on one leg is the same as being lame.

If a dog’s foot is injured, it will jump on one foot. This signal is very obvious. The owner must quickly check the dog’s foot to see if there is anything abnormal. However, some dogs are just pretending. They are very smart and pretend to be pitiful to gain sympathy from their owners in exchange for food. When you encounter such a dog, of course you will pamper it. Who makes it your own treasure?

The dog's butt is sliding against the floor.

The dog's butt is sliding against the floor. It is not fun. It has an anal problem. Generally, it is because the anal glands are blocked and inflamed. It is recommended that the owner cleans the dog's anus and eat a light diet. One thing, don't eat too greasy, otherwise it will be easy to get clogged.

Conclusion: Does your dog behave like this?