For every cat owner, they regard the cat owner as the apple of their eye and are afraid of getting hurt at all. Since raising pets, many people rarely travel and stay at home with their pets during holidays. But it is inevitable that there will be business trips at work. At this

For every cat owner, they regard the cat owner as the apple of their eye and are afraid of getting hurt at all.

Since raising pets, many people rarely travel and stay at home to accompany their pets during holidays.

But it is inevitable that there will be business trips at work. At this time, many people will choose to leave their pets at a friend's house.

We have previously reported on many cases where friends fell out due to pet foster care, and another case happened recently.

Recently, a netizen needed to travel for about half a month due to work reasons...

Considering the recent frequent incidents of cat abuse in pet stores, the netizen asked several times before finding a friend and asking him to help take care of it. My own cat.

After sending the cat to the other party’s home, the poop scraper thoughtfully sold cat food, cat cans, cat toys, etc. for half a month.

In addition, he also paid his friend a living allowance for the cat and some additional care expenses.

It can be said that this netizen has done everything he should do. His friend also said that he would take good care of the cat, and then he went on a business trip with peace of mind.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed. After returning home, he immediately ran to his friend's house to pick up the cat, but was shocked by what his friend said:

"That cat of yours is too noisy. I had already thrown it down the stairs, and I couldn’t find it later...”

Forget about that netizen, that’s it. Who wouldn’t be shocked after hearing this?

You promised to help take care of the cat before, but you ended up doing it this way?

In this regard, a friend of this netizen also had something to say. He said that he did not throw the cat away for no reason...

He defended himself by saying that when he was sleeping at night, the cat opened the door and broke in by himself. , woke him up, so in a moment of anger, he threw the cat downstairs.

The man lived on the fifth floor. After throwing the cat away, he calmed down and went downstairs to look for the cat, but the cat was gone.

After hearing what a friend said, netizens felt that the sky was falling and they could not accept the fact that the cat was gone. But what the netizen said next was even more shocking:

"I have shadows when I sleep now. I often wake up in the middle of the night and stare at the door. It would be nice if I don't ask you to compensate for mental damages..."

Oh my god , the world is really big and full of wonders. After throwing away other people’s cats, you still ask them to compensate you for mental damages. Xiao 8 is really dumbfounded.

Netizens were so angry that they posted the incident on the Internet, which soon caused an uproar.

Many people point out that cats are private property of an individual. If he loses your cat, he needs to compensate you, but now he blackmails you for a sum of money, which constitutes a crime.

But this netizen said that he has not gotten over the sadness of losing the cat, and he is not in the mood to litigate with his friend now, but the two of them are no longer in contact.

Others pointed out that it is very unreasonable for this person to ask for mental damages, because the mental damages in our country need to meet the following conditions:

When citizens have the right to life, health, body rights, , name rights, and portrait rights , reputation rights, honor rights, personal dignity rights, and personal freedom rights are infringed upon, you can request compensation for mental damage in accordance with the law.

Obviously, the man’s appeal rights have not been infringed, so it does not constitute mental damage.

Most of the responsibility for this matter should be borne by the friend of the netizen. After all, he had already agreed to the other person’s affairs and received his care fee. In the end, he lost the cat. This is very inappropriate both emotionally and logically.

The biggest problem for cat owners is that they carelessly made friends and actually handed over their cats to the care of such an irresponsible person. As a result, it is now unclear whether the cat is dead or alive.

Who do you think is more responsible for this matter? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion.