Whenever an epidemic occurs, it is almost difficult for rescuer Yang Jie in Beijing to sleep peacefully. After experiencing road closures, lack of logistics, and days of isolation at home, she was too afraid that the old, weak, sick and disabled dogs in the small courtyard would

Whenever an epidemic occurs, it is almost difficult for rescuer Yang Jie in Beijing to sleep peacefully.

has experienced road closures, logistics difficulties, and days of isolation at home. She is too afraid that the old, weak, sick and disabled dogs in the small courtyard will not survive hunger!

△At the Yang Jie Rescue Home in the outer suburbs of Beijing,

saw that the medium-risk area was nearby, and she had to become nervous again. She always said that the furry children must not run out of food, otherwise they would be in trouble!

△The red dot on the right is the location of the small courtyard

Although it has survived several waves of the epidemic, the difficulties of the small courtyard have not eased.

Whenever there is a food shortage, the furry children are scrambling to get a meal of cornmeal. can’t wait to stick their heads in the basin and not come out, until the basin is licked to the last drop.

△ Dogs fighting for a rice bowl

A few years ago, volunteers rescued a car full of little teddy dogs on the road where Mudanjiang was about to be transported to the slaughterhouse.

The dog was so squeezed that it could not move. A pair of fearful little eyes shocked Yang Jie's heart.

△Poor dogs

was heartbroken . She scolded the dog dealer while accepting the dogs rescued by volunteers.

In fact, there were already 200 dogs in Yang Jie’s courtyard at that time, and she had to rely on her to survive.

She also hesitated whether she could bear the life of these stupid children again.

△What did they do wrong?

When she thought of the looks in their eyes, she picked up the dog without hesitation. However, no one knows how Yang Jie got here these years.

The rescued dogs were infected with extensive skin diseases. While taking care of other dogs, Yang Jie gave them medicated baths and medicines every day. herself was reluctant to eat or drink, but bought the most expensive Nicotine for them. ..

"It's hard and tiring. Just shaving and lifting my arms made me sore for more than a month. After I brought them back, I had to feed them well! Hey, I can't bring myself to throw them away." Yang Jie said with words. Feeling helpless.

△Neutering and applying medicine to the skin of little teddies

She is 60 years old and is now the person in charge of Beijing Yang Jie Love Home! She is also the "mother" of hundreds of fur babies !

△Hope their dogs can have a happy life

Similar to all rescuers, Yang Jie also feels more sorry for those poor stray dogs because she has raised dogs and realized their loyalty and loveliness. She is willing to give everything to help feed them.

In fact, Yang Jie was not interested in dogs at first, until her son brought home a Pekingese. During the raising process, he was gradually moved by its cuteness and loyalty.

When I started to like it and couldn't live without it, it suddenly had a heart attack and left forever...

△Every pure look is like it once was

From 1 in 1999 to more than 200 now, these ten Over the years, whether they were abandoned or injured or disabled, Yang Jie would choose to take them home whenever she saw them.

She once rescued a litter of 5 puppies that were stuck in plastic bags.

△A puppy that was tied up in a plastic bag and abandoned.

also rescued a 10-year-old dog that was abandoned by its owner because of inconvenient legs and feet....

△It was called Dudu. He was born without eyes and was abandoned by his owner. Once

Yang Jie spent all her wages and savings in order to provide them with food and a home, and she also paid for her health.

She lived with dogs for a long time, with irregular diets and overloaded labor every day. Allergy to dog hair caused Yang Jie to suffer from severe asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and other chronic diseases...

△Bending down to work all year round

Every time she went to the hospital, the doctor always advised her not to keep a dog anymore. In 2012 or 13, I had an asthma attack and almost couldn't breathe. I almost lost my life!

Now, she can only take care of these furry children by sucking Seretide (hormone) every day...

△A small body can carry a big family

In addition to money and health, she has also endured countless grievances.

I went to the police station four times because of my dog. I had the dog confiscated, pointed at my nose and called me crazy, and threatened to poison the dog. The newly built kennel had to be demolished and I had to move out with my furry child in half a month. ..

was even almost beaten by a dog dealer in order to save the dog.

In fact, she can just like other Beijing aunties, retire, take care of the family, and enjoy a good life.

△Although they are not very wealthy here, they have found love and dignity here

so that they do not have to live in the outer suburbs every day. There is no heating in winter and no air conditioning in summer. There are only constant mosquitoes, flies and fleas in the mess... .

You don’t have to work hard day and night, you can eat three meals and sleep peacefully.

△The heavy bucket bent her back

But she did not do this because she chose to protect the weaker life.

's firm sense of responsibility drove her to face all hardships and not shrink back.

Although Yang Jie’s great love and insistence on rescue have moved many friends, more responsibilities still fall on her.

The daily food, drink and diarrhea of ​​the furry children, the base rent, water, electricity and coal were like a huge mountain, weighing her down.

△ There is no food, and the furry children are fighting to eat the only rice and cornmeal

00 mouths. In addition to sterilization and immunization fees, no one can afford the food consumed every day!

Rescue has never been the responsibility of any one person, but Yang Jie selflessly assumed this responsibility.

Maybe we can’t be as great and persistent as her, sacrificing our own happiness and health to protect all cats and dogs.

△The dog who can’t get food, looking at Yang Jie makes people feel bad

But together we can help her to feed and clothe her furry child who has escaped from the suffering!

Let every drop of love merge into a warm current to nourish every upward and lovely life and avoid the suffering of hunger and thinness.

allowed Yang Jie to take a break and go to the hospital to treat her asthma, so that her furry baby would be healthy.